
Protesters surround Alberta Teachers’ Association to oppose LGBT indoctrination – LifeSite

EDMONTON, Alberta (LifeSiteNews) — Over 100 pro-family Canadians rallied in downtown Edmonton outside the Alberta Teachers’ Association as part of the nationwide Million Person March against LGBT indoctrination last week.  

On September 20, the Alberta Teachers’ Association in Edmonton was surrounded by pro-family protesters who demanded teachers stick to the Alberta curriculum and not push the radical LGBT agenda on their students.  

“This is about healthy boundaries for children. It’s about, when do you expose a child to mature concepts?” event organizer Benita Pedersen told Global News  

“We think mature concepts should be shared with individuals when they are old enough to handle it,” she added. “If you share mature concepts with a child that’s too small, that’s indoctrination and that’s unacceptable.”  

Pederson explained that while the approved Alberta curriculum is not problematic, some teachers take it upon themselves to push the LGBT agenda on their students.  

“When I review aspects of the Alberta curriculum, I actually don’t have that many concerns. What I have a concern with is the things that teachers add,” she explained.  

Video footage of the protest uploaded to Pederson’s Facebook show pro-family protesters holding signs reading “Leave our kids alone” while others held Canadian flags.  

The event also included speeches and a table where people could sign petitions supporting parental rights to be sent to the Albertan and Canadian governments. The pro-family Canadians were met by a smaller group of about 65 LGBT counter-protesters who blasted loud music in what seemed to be an attempt to disrupt the event.   

The Edmonton protest was only one of many held in Canada last Friday as thousands of Canadians took to the streets to participate in the second Million Person March for Children. 

There were some reports of counter-protesters at events, including the main event in Ottawa, which saw confrontation between left-wing, pro-LGBT activists and some march participants. There was another report of a “radical trans activists” trying to disrupt marchers in Ottawa.  

The event was organized by Muslim pro-family activist Kamel El-Cheikh  

“We refuse to stand by while the Government and School system allow sexually explicit content and gender ideology to be distributed in our classrooms,” he said. 

Hands Off Our Kids, El-Cheikh’s organization, works together with other pro-family groups, including CLC, the Mama Bears, Veterans for Freedom, and, just recently, Canadians for Truth.   

The group’s main message, as per its website, is that “parents are responsible for their children’s moral and upbringing, not politicians and that is why it is our duty to speak up and have our voices heard when we say, HANDS OFF OUR KIDS.’”   

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