
Sky News Australia slams Pope Francis’ remark that ‘every religion is a path to God’ – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — Sky News Australia issued a scathing critique of Pope Francis’ claim in Singapore that “every religion is a way to arrive at God,” denouncing this as an attempt at “inclusion based on denial of the truth.”

“Is the pope Catholic? All of a sudden that’s not a rhetorical question,” Sky News host James Macpherson noted. He highlighted Francis’ suggestion that “no one could say their religion was more important or truer than anyone else’s.”

“If you have to deny truth in order to be inclusive, then how valuable is that inclusion? If inclusion is based on denial of the truth, then aren’t you including people in a lie?” Macpherson remarked.

He pointed to the meaninglessness and absurdity of our culture’s valuing of inclusion for its own sake.

“But to be inclusive, you have to include people around something,” Macpherson said. “Culture, having given up on truth, is trying to include people around inclusion. And without shared values, thanks to decades of multiculturalism, we’re trying to create social cohesion around a shared desire for social cohesion. It’s a fool’s errand, because none of it makes sense.”

“And if inclusion is only made possible by inviting everyone to close their eyes to reality, then aren’t you seeking to include everyone in a kind of insanity?” he added.

The news host maintained that with all the crises the West is facing now, the “greatest crisis” is “one of reality and of meaning.”

As evidence of this fact, he shared clips showing prominent political figures who refuse to acknowledge the fact that one’s gender is defined by one’s biology. He featured the famous example of Supreme Court Justice Kentanji Brown Jackson claiming she could not define what a woman is, as well as UK politician Sir Edward Davey’s assertion that a woman “can have a penis.”

“China and Russia and North Korea may well be threats, but the greatest existential threat facing the Western world is the abandonment of truth,” Macpherson continued.

“When everything, including the laws of the land, are subjective, the only way to determine what is right is through might.”

The crisis is fundamentally deepened, he suggested, by the derelict of duty of the pope, who is supposed to be the prime defender of the Catholic faith, the immovable voice of truth throughout the centuries.

“How can men rediscover truth and reality when even the pope seems to have given up on believing in God?”

Francis’ idea that “every religion is a way to arrive at God” is a direct repudiation of the words of Jesus Christ Himself, who said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Francis’ claim is also thereby a denial of what the Catholic Church teaches, that there is only salvation in Christ.

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