
Guaranteed universal basic income bill fails in Canadian House – LifeSite

OTTAWA, Ontario (LifeSiteNews) — The New Democratic Party’s (NDP) bid to allow a universal basic income (UBI) for all Canadians and refugee claimants via legislation that would further put pressure on taxpayers has failed after most MPs voted against it.

NDP Bill C-223, or “An Act to develop a national framework for a guaranteed livable basic income,” was voted down in its second reading with 273 votes against to 54 for on Wednesday. The bill was introduced by pro-abortion NDP MP Leah Gazan in December 2021.

All Conservative and Bloc Québécois MPs voted against the bill along with most Liberal MPs. Twenty-eight Liberal MPs, all NDP and Green MPs voted in favor of the bill.

Bill C-223 would have allowed the Minister of Finance to put forth a report that would allow all Canadians 17 and over, including non-citizen permanent residents, refugee claimants and temporary workers, an income each year. The amount would depend on which region a person lived in, but it was estimated a few years ago that the programs cost about $85 billion annually or about $17,000 a year per person.

NDP leader Jagmeet Singh had promoted the bill on social media Tuesday, claiming it would bring “help” to Canadians.

However, many took issue with his post.

“UBI is code for Communism and a terrible excuse for leftists not to seek employment,” X user @Mattpetti32 wrote in response to Singh.

Another X user wrote that tax cuts, not “handouts,” are the answer to helping Canadians.

“Best way to help people is to cut our taxes considerably. The @NDPand @liberal_party want you reliant on their handouts as they steal from your pocket and leave you with almost nothing. Thieves,” X user @MikesUsername77 wrote.

While the NDP’s attempt at passing a UBI bill into law failed, there is another similar bill before Canada’s Senate that, if passed, would establish “a national framework for a guaranteed livable basic income.”

Senate Bill S-233 is now before a committee; however, it has not gone to the House of Commons yet.

Campaign Life Coalition (CLC) director of political operations Jack Fonseca told LifeSiteNews that UBI is “yet another move by our two socialist parties, the Liberals and NDP, to try to gradually transform Canada into a communist country by making most of the population dependent on government handouts and eliminating the middle class.”

“The truth is that a universal basic income would result in huge numbers of Canadians never wanting to work again,” he warned.

“Many, especially young men, will pass their time smoking dope, taking drugs, playing video games and watching porn, which is all that the universal basic income will allow them to afford.”

According to prominent retired American politician Ron Paul, the implementation of a universal basic income is one of the major goals of the WEF’s Great Reset global socialist plan.

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