
Last Call! Give now to help continue the LifeSite mission – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — Dear Friends,

On one side stands Christ the Lord, our Commander-in-Chief in the war against evil. He is surrounded by His angels and saints. Perhaps there are some we recognize, whom we have known and loved in this life.

And we see that Christ has also His followers upon earth, men and women who serve Him and work to build up His kingdom.

On the other side stands Satan, the mortal enemy of the human race. He is surrounded by demons who labor to lead souls to Hell. These demons have a special hatred for children, for the innocent, and for the Church of Christ.

And Satan too has followers on earth – among them are world leaders, media personalities, politicians, manipulators of money, and others with great power over their fellow men. They are building a world where God is absent, and where the innocent and vulnerable must suffer.

This world is being brought to the precipice of war, and once great nations are entering upon their final disintegration.

We must make a choice. We must decide with whom we will stand.

We must go all in for Christ.


The meditation with which I began this email – which is the Last Call of our fall campaign – is based on the meditation on the “Two Standards” found in the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius.

These exercises wrought spiritual transformation across Europe in the sixteenth century, as they led men and women to make a radical choice for Christ.

This is the kind of radical counter-reformation that we need today as Satan and His demons reduce our civilization to dust and Western man abandons the true God in whom alone his deliverance can be found.

We have now reached the final stage of the war of modern man against the Cross of Christ.

The battle is upon us, and we don’t have the option to leave the field.

All we can choose is which side we will take, and how we will fight.

I know that you, like me, want to make a radical choice for Christ.

Despite our faults and weaknesses, we want to stand with Him, whatever the consequences may be.

But we may be in doubt as to how we can make a real difference.

The truth is that we all have different roles to play in this fight.

We all have different tasks to accomplish according to the gifts that God has given us and the duties of our state of life.

At LifeSiteNews we believe that our role is to tell the truth about God and his plan for man and to expose the operations of evil in our world.

Is this your role too? Will you join us in this great mission?


The evils we face today are unprecedented in their scale and horror.

Satan’s power has been unleashed in its full force and with fury he assaults the Church of Christ.

And from their positions of power in our governments his servants are:

  • Killing hundreds of millions of innocent babies
  • Provoking a global conflict that could kill millions more
  • Systematically corrupting children and adolescents through their perverse ideologies
  • Deliberately destroying marriage and the family – the bedrock of every civilization
  • Murdering the disabled and the elderly in euthanasia death facilities for money or sadistic pleasure
  • Depriving once great nations of freedom, justice, and prosperity
  • Depopulating the earth, to reduce the number of souls who will spend eternity with God in heaven.

In the face of these evils, the mission of LifeSiteNews is to:

  • Propagate true Christian principles throughout the world
  • Expose the machinations of the enemy so that the good can take action to defend life, faith, family and freedom 
  • Educate the public about what is really happening in our times 
  • Uphold the dignity and value of every human life 
  • Honor all the innocent victims of Satan’s reign and ensure they will never be forgotten 
  • Give hope to young people seeking a better and higher way of life 
  • Assist everyone who aspires to live a Christian life, and raise happy and holy children, in a darkened and corrupted world.

If these goals are not accomplished, there is little hope for humanity.

This is the GREAT MISSION OF LIFESITENEWS for our times.

To join us in this mission, please donate to LifeSiteNews TODAY.

We cannot carry out our mission without your financial support.


Our fall campaign is ending, but we are still 5% away from meeting our goal.

We have to meet our financial goal to meet our mission targets for this quarter.

As a major international news organization, we have costs to meet every month. And these costs have risen higher and faster than ever before.

Like everyone, we have been hit hard by inflation. But unlike the corrupt mainstream media, we are entirely dependent on the gifts of donors like you.

The price of independence from Satan’s worldly powers, is dependence on the generosity of Christ’s followers.

Of course, I wouldn’t have it any other way. But it does weigh on my heart when bills come in to be paid, and when colleagues ask me to choose between life-saving projects because we don’t have enough funds to do everything that needs to be done.

But every quarter you come through for us. You not only meet our basic costs, but you give us the funds we need to grow. Your great generosity never ceases to move my heart.

The truth is that if everyone reading this gave $20 today, we would certainly raise enough to meet all our essential needs for this quarter.

And gifts of $50, $100, or $1000 – or more – would help us grow stronger faster. They would help us to reach our ultimate goal of bringing the truth about God and His plan for humanity to the furthest reaches of the earth.

Everyone has their own way of responding to the Call of Christ. Telling the truth – whatever the cost – is ours.

Will you join us?


This is the Last Call of this campaign.

At the end of our lives, we will each receive the Last Call of Christ.

We will be with God, or with Satan, for ever.

It is a great honor to stand with you in making the ultimate choice for Jesus Christ.

I pray for us all, that having sought the good in this life, we may all dwell together with Christ forever.

Please pray for me.

John-Henry Westen

P.S. Asking you for money sometimes weighs heavily on me because I know that times are difficult for everyone and that many other financial needs are pressing upon you.

I can only express my gratitude for your support and share my conviction – after more than 25 years in this fight – that the work we are doing together is the most important in the world.

The LifeSiteNews team keeps all our donors and supporters in our daily prayers.

You are appreciated and loved by all of us.

Thank you!


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