
New documentary ‘Omniwar’ exposes the shocking covert assault on freedom and wealth – LifeSite

U.S. citizens: Demand Congress investigate soaring excess death rates

(LifeSiteNews) — It is not news to say our world is in crisis. In a newly released video from three critics of the financial system and the lockdown regime, the group now argues that this “omnicrisis” is not merely the combination of censorship, social collapse, and wealth transfer in the transition to a digital tyranny. This is no mere collection of crises, it is claimed. What is happening now is “omniwar” – and it is a war to replace our civilization with technocratic tyranny.

In Omniwar: How to See and Stop the Bio-Nano State, Catherine Austin Fitts declares simply: “We are in the middle of World War three now.”

How can anyone make this outlandish claim?

Following James Corbett, who explained why we cannot recognize that we are in a “fifth-generation” form of warfare, Fitts states, “World War I was different from World War II. World War III is stealth.”

Who is Catherine Fitts to say this – and why should we listen to her?

From financial corruption to the Deep State

Fitts is an investment banker and was United States Assistant Secretary of Housing under President George H.W. Bush. Her considerable experience in government and private finance has informed her outspoken criticism of the U.S. financial system.

Fitts effectively undertook a one-woman audit of federal spending, finding in 2015 that “$2.5 trillion had gone missing.” Together with economist Mark Skidmore, who thought she must be mistaken, she investigated more thoroughly. Instead of proving Fitts wrong, the duo “found documents indicating a total $21 trillion in undocumented adjustments over the 1998-2015 period.”

Her discovery sparked an audit into the Department of Defense, as an account of her investigations on SubStack says here. Fitts has collected all the supporting evidence on this page of her own website.

Yet Fitts kept digging for the disappearing wealth of Americans. By 2017, the total had risen to $40 trillion. Fitts announced this discovery with a warning: “We are now in the controlled demolition of the U.S. economy.”

By 2022, Fitts had concluded, “We are at war with the Deep State.”

Her investigations led her from suspicion to crisis, and then to conclude our world is being consumed in a covert war.

Omniwar and COVID-19

As Fitts says in her video introduction, “So our term of the day is omnivore.” The term “omniwar” is lifted from a book by David A. Hughes, says Fitts. One of her two collaborators in the presentation, Carolyn Betts, states that, according to Hughes, this war “started being operationalized with COVID-19.”

Fitts explains the financial dimension to the omnicrisis method of war:

And so, what we saw was a radical re-engineering of the economy, shifting wealth. From main street to Wall Street. But it was all disguised with all these complex healthcare justifications.

A war to take everything away

This, she says, is an extension of a “financial coup d’etat,” which she described to independent German media in February 2023.

Fitts’ expertise in federal and Wall Street level finance is convincing. The deception she charges here is reminiscent of her discovery that trillions of dollars can simply vanish without public or media notice – until someone like Fitts points it out.

Now she is pointing to an undeclared war on our way of life, waged by deception, whose victory is to be secured at the cost of everything – from our wealth to our freedoms, forever.

“What you are watching with all of these things is a taking. And this is war. One group is taking from another,” says Fitts, making the case for the redefinition of the systematic transfer of wealth and power into the hands of a technocratic global elite.

“And it is a war by means of stealth,” she concludes.

What is an ‘omniwar’?

The video begins with a definition of this “omniwar” given by Hughes in his freely available book: ‘Covid-19,’ Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy.

In the book, Hughes says this war began with the lockdown and COVID regime, undertaken to “demoralise, debilitate and disorient the public” in order to “weaken its resistance to the transition to technocracy.”

He explained:

An undeclared global class war was initiated in 2020, whose aim is the controlled demolition of liberal democracy and the institution of global technocracy – a novel, biodigital form of totalitarianism that threatens to lead to the irreversible enslavement of humanity.

Hughes maintains the techniques of psychological preparation for war, and warfare itself, have been refined over the last century, stating, “World War III looks nothing like its two predecessors and is waged by the transnational Deep State against populations using the novel methods of omniwar.”

What is this “omniwar”? It is, according to Hughes, “A war waged in every domain, but clandestinely, so that the public does not recognize it as such.”

Legal and vaccine critics

So, who is Carolyn Betts to warn of a war to replace our civilization? She is an attorney at law who “has provided legal and financial advisory services to business and government clients for over 25 years,” according to her brief biography.

Yet a closer look reveals a committed Christian, delivering Bible study to prisoners. Betts’ modest description excludes the fact she is a partner in a Washington, D.C., law firm, specializing in “corporate finance, securities and housing finance practices.”

In the past, Betts “joined a financial advisory company that served as the lead financial advisor for the Federal Housing Administration.” Betts argues for oversight of federal spending, urging that the money used should confer a benefit to the communities that spending affects.

Betts has recently published a video guide to the “land grabs” undertaken by the banking and financial giants, seeing the consolidation of former family homes as well as agricultural land in the hands of behemoths like BlackRock and Vanguard.

Betts and Fitts, both Americans, are joined by Polly Tommey, a British film producer and co-founder of the Autism Trust, active in the U.K. and the U.S.

She describes her autistic son Billy as “vaccine injured” – which informed her two films on vaccine harm, and led her to become program director of Children’s Health Defense (CHD). A U.S. registered non-profit organization, its “mission is ending childhood health epidemics by eliminating toxic exposure” while seeking to “hold … responsible parties accountable.”

The CHD motto is “Protecting Children. Exposing Harms. Seeking Justice.” The presentation of these three women of the case for a state of “omniwar” replacing that of our democracies is hosted on the CHD website.

A background in exposing globalism

This troika of patient, intelligent women have published convincing accounts of the financialization of future tyranny before. A 2022 video of theirs explains “The role of Central Bank Digital Currencies in the New World Order.”

There is far more to their analysis than this controversial statement of the obvious, made in the video, showing the dangers to liberty attendant on the abolition of cash.

“If you have a 100% digital system, that can be controlled centrally … not only can your money be limited to different geographical areas … it can limit what you buy and when you can buy it.”

From great reset – to great resist

So, what is the aim of these three creditable – and credible – women? In this presentation they have proffered sane and evidence-based claims for an “omniwar” which seems outlandish when first mentioned, but obvious when described.

Perhaps Fitts put it best herself in her 2022 warning of a “lawless, criminal control syndicate” directing the U.S. and the world into financial and societal collapse:

As the world increasingly wakes up to the war against humanity, people will turn the Great Reset into the Great Resist.

Taken together, the crises in the Church, in politics, in our chaotic societies partner with overseas conflict in an undeclared war on our civilization. This account gives a rational basis to this claim which is supported by documented and anecdotal evidence.

If you have begun to doubt your own sanity as you witness the madness around you unfold, here is a comprehensive explanation of its method. If you would like to know how and where the resistance to the Great Reset begins, these women can show you the way.

The author of “Covid-19,” Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy” David A. Hughes, is a former academic who has moved to SubStack

“Having lost my career,” Hughes says, his aim is to “try to get the truth out to the wider population regarding certain topics that are suppressed by academia.”

He has produced a guide to “Resisting the Global Technocratic Coup” HERE.

You can download his book for free here, or support him by buying it on Amazon.

U.S. citizens: Demand Congress investigate soaring excess death rates

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