
Alleviating Fear

If you have fear in any area, there is one remedy. In prayer and the reading of the Word, listen to God. Let Him remind you of His promises (there are 7,000 in the Bible) and give you direction for your life. And then believe Him.

Everybody has fear. Fear is that anxiety that comes when we anticipate evil or danger, that something could go wrong. It often implies the potential of loss and manifests itself in multiple ways. Pippert said that whatever you fear you serve.

How do You Overcome Fear?

God has continually helped those who turn to Him deal with fear. Look how he helped an aged Israel when there was a total famine in the world, as his son Joseph invited him to leave the promised land and go down to Egypt.

God spoke to Israel in visions of the night and said, “Jacob, Jacob.” And he said, “Here I am.” (Genesis 46:2-4)

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