
Three People to Thank

Whenever we treasure the gift of an earthly relationship and we thank God for it, we should consider how we can give back. For whom in your life do you thank God? Have you thanked God for them? And have you told them that you are thankful?

We should thank God for his good gifts, and thank people too, for how they bless us.

It is fitting that a grateful Christian develops a habit of reaching out to thank other people. Perhaps in person, or by phone, through email or social media—we let them know that we are grateful for who they are and what they do.

First, we could show our gratitude to someone who probably does not expect it. Perhaps it is the checkout person in the grocery store who packs your groceries with care. Say thank you. Perhaps it is the stranger on the bus who gives up her seat for an elderly woman. Say thank you.

Second, we could thank the people who have often supported and helped us. Here Paul sets an example of gratitude. In Philippians 4:10-19, he thanks the Philippians for how they looked after his material needs. Or in 2 Timothy 1:16-17, he acknowledges how Onesiphorus searched for him in Rome to bring encouragement. He does not take for granted the kindnesses that he received from others.

This requires us to think back: who has influenced you, or who has cared for you?

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