
Unsettling Advent 2022, Day 3 – Word&Way

“You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things …

Jonathan Cahn: How the Great Seduction Overwhelmed America

(Charisma House photos) Read Time: 7 Minutes, 16 Seconds Is it possible that ancient entities known as “the gods” …

How the ‘Red Wave’ Died on the Vine

(Charisma News archives) Read Time: 4 Minutes The Trump phenomenon in 2016 “really wasn’t about Trump himself,” writes Salena …

The Deadly Scrolls

On the shores of the Dead Sea some shepherd boys once noticed some caves. The clay jars inside contained one …


Listening to Firmament, the second album from Norwegian art-rock trio Dim Gray, is a bit like watching a film with …