
Revive Us, O LORD!

What is needed today—as in every age—is for a greater filling of the Holy Spirit. This is an event which …

“The Shadowy Nature of Theonomy”? A Reply to Batzig

The term theonomy implies nothing more than the application of God’s Law to all of life.  It is true that …

Screen Sabbaths

Taking disciplined time away from screens may not be the only way to live in the digital world without being …

The Cancel Cult

The New Puritans is a passionate and erudite exposé of the modern-day social-justice movement. With clarity and precision, Doyle exposes its …

The Age of Ingratitude

Written by Carl R. Trueman | Wednesday, November 23, 2022 We live in an age marked by infantile ingratitude…that means …

Where Did Satan Come From?

The Bible seems to tell us that Satan was a created being, that Satan was among the first of the …