
Are Religious Americans More Likely to Believe in QAnon?

About one in five Americans mostly agree with ideas consistent with the QAnon conspiracy theory, according to a new survey …

Jesus Does Not Desire Assimilation

I am no longer a teacher, but I often speak and write about biblical justice and immigration. In this context …

Awake, Alert, and Ready To Act

“Stay woke” is a common phrase these days, a cultural call to arms designed to galvanize people’s attention to social …

‘Our House Is Completely Gutted’

Sally Monroe is an elder at First Presbyterian Church of Hazard, Ky. With her husband Lawrence, she spoke with Sojourners’ …

How I Changed My Mind About Black Lives Matter

“Oh Lord, not this again,” I thought. In the fall of 2015, I was sitting with my freshman peers on …

Being Apolitical Won’t Heal Polarized Churches

The church should be a place where people with divergent political views can coexist and be in fellowship because our …

Criminalizing Abortion Prevents Compassionate Choices

Essential political debate about abortion rights occurs in the shadow of the deeply personal, vulnerable, and life-or-death nature of questions …

How To Read the News Without Sacrificing Your Mental Health

When Russia’s invasion of Ukraine began, Daniel Burke felt overwhelmed by the pace of the news cycle. “The images and …