
How a US camp helps Russian-speaking kids in time of war

At the year’s final session of Russian Camp MN, held recently in southwestern Minnesota, the overall peacefulness feels especially precious. …

Readers respond: How far do we go with empathy?

The attention he deserves  I was pleasantly surprised when I opened the Oct. 31 Weekly magazine to see “How this …

Pope visits immigrant father’s hometown for birthday party

PORTACOMARO, Italy (AP) — Pope Francis made a rare personal getaway Saturday, returning to his father’s birthplace in northern Italy …

Lee Spitzer on Sympathy, Solidarity, and Silence – Word&Way

In episode 163 of Baptist Without An Adjective, Lee Spitzer, historian for the Baptist World Alliance and affiliate professor of …

What bubbles below the Gulf’s oil giants

The Arab states in the Gulf, which account for nearly half of the world’s oil supply, also hold the lowest …