You Are Good & Do Good

How could we not long to know more of our God’s good Word, especially when it is through His Scriptures that …

When in Doubt

DISCLAIMER: The Aquila Report is a news and information resource. We welcome commentary from readers; for more information visit our …

Christ Divides

The cross is folly to those who are perishing, and the power of God to those who are being saved …

American Students: Dumber and More Woke

The upshot of this decline will be that many Americans enter adulthood without having been intellectually challenged. The phrase “mind …

Love without God Becomes Wicked

Misconstruing God’s love begins by misapprehending human love and then projecting that defective notion onto God. To ascribe our character …

An Evolving Situation…

God is necessary to the reality of conscious sentient beings that survive death but also make evolutionary presumptions irrelevant. When God …

Do You Actually Tell People About Jesus?

As Evangelicals, we like to think we’re all about telling people about Jesus. But I wonder if many people would …