Ministry to Women Leaving Domestic Abuse Focuses on Housing

Daffodil Ministries, a resourcing group for women leaving domestic violence in Wyoming, Mich., has seen a dramatic increase in the …

February 3, 2023

We Can Reduce Homelessness if We Follow the Science on What Works (New Scientist) Texas Church Wins US Building of …

FF 2-3 – Intercessors for America

Intercessors for America is the trusted resource for millions of people across the United States committed to praying for our …

The Son & The Sabbath

Not only was rest given for the enjoyment of Lord Adam of Eden: the ultimate beneficial reason for the giving …

What is the Sign that We Have Come to Know Jesus?

And Jesus looks at him and responds with a gentle yet chiding question. I can imagine him shaking his head, …

A Commitment to Share with Courage

Written by J. Warner Wallace | Friday, February 3, 2023 While the early believers certainly cared for those within the …