Our Culture Needs Less Beth Moore and more Jonathan Edwards

It’s unsurprising that someone like Moore, who emphasizes the elements of the Gospel that are less offensive to unrepentant sinners, …

No Such Thing as “Little Sins”

Sins must not be minimized or trivialized. Sin caused our world to fall into the depths of depravity and violence. …

Prayer as God Intended

How can we define prayer as children of God? In this way: Prayer is a relational expression that vocalizes our …

Being Angry and Doing Angry

Much of what we call righteous anger isn’t really righteous. It’s about righteous things, maybe. But it’s not actually righteous. It’s …

So, Seriously, What is Biblical Theology?

We are doing biblical theology when we attentively read and understand a biblical passage or theme in light of the …

When I Die Young (or Old)

Each day I live is one day closer to the day of my death. I do not know whether I …

God Will Not Withhold Any Good Thing

Those who have experienced great loss and difficulty in life often treasure this truth more than those whose bellies and …

Are We Our Brother’s or Sister’s Keeper?

Following Adam and Eve’s sin and separation from God, Genesis 4:1-16 recounts the beginning of human history. This passage describes …

‘The Devil Conspiracy’ Is Boring as Hell

On paper, Nathan Frankowski’s The Devil Conspiracy sounds like the kind of movie that would often show up as a …