The Basics—The Holy Trinity

We must affirm that there is one God who exists in three distinct persons–Father, Son and Holy Spirit, who are …

The Curse Under Our Breath

Paul describes the luminary life of trusting saints; a life that shines in a dark and thankless world (Romans 1:21). …

A Nation of Biblical Illiterates

Parents can hardly pass on to the next generation what they lack themselves. How can we expect rising generations to …

Truth Beyond the Facts

Truth (Jesus Christ), in short, doesn’t just give us new life, a second birth; it also shepherds that new life. …

What Does the Fellowship of Believers Entail?

They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer (Acts 2:42). The …

California Pushes Wealth Tax, Includes Those Moving Out of State

Pastor Phil Hotsenpiller is a theologian, cultural thought leader, and biblical prophecy expert. In America’s War Room he unpacks today’s …