November 18, 2022

Poll: Religious Americans Less Concerned About Climate Change (The Missoulian) Tennessee Southern Baptists Condemn Gender Transition, Trans Legal Protections (Tennessean) …

Tuskegee Study Is Part of a Long, Shameful History

The Tuskegee experiment is part of a larger and longer narrative of the exploitation of African Americans. It is a …

When the Oppressed Become Oppressors

Probably no group has suffered more over the centuries at the hands of Christianity than Jews. A simple grumbling in …

November 17, 2022

Is Judaism a Younger Religion than Previously Thought? (Smithsonian) A Veteran Religious Writer Considers the Changing Church (Nashville Scene) Religious …

Fifty Years Later, Effects of Tuskegee Experiment Linger

There is a long history of bad blood, of generational mistrust when it comes to African Americans and the medical …

Relevant Recommends: Five Songs You Won’t Want to Skip

There’s been an overwhelming amount of music coming out recently — some great hits and some easy skips. It can …

No, Your Job Is Not Your Identity

You are not your job title. Your job does not define you. You are more than an 8-to-5. How often …

Louie Giglio: How to Take Your Thoughts Captive

I’m a college drop out. Not because I’m not smart enough. But because when I was 18 years old I …