Mark 6 and the Cost of Discipleship

This wonderfully expansive chapter of Mark has many challenging pills to swallow, the call to exhaustion and even death in …

Gray Hair Is a Crown of Glory

I am thankful for this group because they help all the members of the church keep our eyes on Heaven …

Strong Men and Strong Women

There is literally nothing more important in this life than the corporate meetings of God’s people as they prep for …

8 Reasons to Rethink the Song of Songs

Written by J.A. Medders | Saturday, December 10, 2022 In the first chapter of the Song, we learn this song …

The Gospel Never Does Nothing

As we continually expose ourself to the gospel of Jesus Christ, and as we just open our empty hands before …

What Was the Significance of the Angels at Christmas?

Christ’s birth is a beautiful story of God’s grace, generosity, and humility. He was born in humble circumstances to a …