A Spiritual MRI of the Heart

Our hearts are deceitful, but God knows our hearts inside out. He has made our hearts new. The labyrinth belongs …

A Christmas Conundrum

When we carve out time for attendance in weekly worship as an expression of Sabbath observance, we remind ourselves that …

What are Christians to Make of UFO’s?

We live in turbulent times. We have come to expect the unexpected, even the bizzare. The Internet woos us with …

Moms and the Mission of God

As we imperfectly love, instruct, and discipline our children, our heavenly Father perfectly loves, instructs, and disciplines us. God uses …

The Mission Trip Most Churches Should Take

Physically being with other believers leads to encouragement that’s necessary for us to persevere to the final day. Given your …

William Perkins has Entered the Chat

To know God’s nature and His works are essential to a blessed and full life. As we peer into simplicity …

Hodge on Disestablishment

Hodge says “the only means which [civil governance] can employ to accomplish many [duties proposed by establishmentarian, such as suppressing …