How One Christian School Addressed Critical Theory

Written by Bradley G. Green | Monday, November 28, 2022 More than twenty years ago, my wife and I helped …

The Second Commandment and Films Depicting Jesus

Given the arts and their depictions of Jesus, it’s no wonder that Lord is not more favorably seen by the …

You Will Deny Me Three Times

Peter’s repentance led to his restoration because each of Peter’s three denials (as well as all the rest of his …

Praise, The Doxology’s Descant

If God never blessed us again, we could continue to praise Him for Who He is – God the Creator …

Church History Isn’t Only for Historians and Scholars

Continue to learn doctrine, study your Bible, affirm the creeds, sing God’s praises—and read church history. Whatever you’re suffering, you’re …

What Is the Obsession with Advent Calendars?

On December 1 every year, children, adults, and even pets in first-world countries around the world start opening their Advent …