Butterfield and Five Lies of Our Age

There’s no question that the West is becoming increasingly antagonistic towards Christianity. One reason for this is that the ever-expanding …

A Brief Life Still Burning

That’s what M’Cheyne was: a God-besotted man, a God-enthralled man. What I found so captivating about him was how captivated …

The Difference between the Pharisee and the Tax Collector

The Pharisee outlined his accomplishments; the tax collector summed up all of his actions when he confessed to God that …

The Problem with Servant Leadership

Written by Aaron M. Renn | Tuesday, November 7, 2023 Many influencers offer teenage boys an aspirational vision of manhood. …

Creation and New Creation in Ephesians

The fact that we are able to express the faith that justifies is only a consequence of the fact that …