Thomas Sowell: Vision of the Woke – American Faith

Pastor Phil Hotsenpiller is a theologian, cultural thought leader, and biblical prophecy expert. In America’s War Room he unpacks today’s …

The Good, the Bad, and the Unlikely – The Stream

By Timothy Furnish Published on December 30, 2022 My favorite 70s band warned “don’t look back.” But the urge to do …

Chuck Pierce: God’s Already Won the Supply Chain War

( Read time: 2 minutes 46 seconds It feels like 2022 was the year of the supply chain crisis. …

Yale Prof Takes Swipe at Capitalism – American Faith

Professor Laurie Santos of Yale University, a cognitive scientist and instructor of the popular course “Psychology and the Good Life,” …

Anglican Watch invites year-end donations to SNAP

Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests serves survivors of abuse in all denominations Anglican Watch, the online watchdog publication …

Top 10 Mormon news stories of 2022

(RNS) — The most-trafficked story at Religion News Service in 2022 was the July announcement that a Midwestern man had …

Top Prophetic Voices Share What’s Coming in 2023

[embedded content] Read Time: 2 minutes 30 seconds We are clearly living in volatile times and the …

Trump Tax Returns Released – American Faith

After a lengthy legal battle, former President Donald Trump’s tax returns were released by the House Ways and Means Committee …