February 8, 2023

How the LDS Church Could Prevent its Headquarters from Becoming a Toxic Wasteland (Salt Lake Tribune/MSN) Boston’s Slavery Ties Deepened …

Blessing Our City ad – Intercessors for America

Intercessors for America is the trusted resource for millions of people across the United States committed to praying for our …

Getting Grace and Faith Right

If you are a Christian, you are trusting in the One who is truly trustworthy. Jesus is the only One …

Why Women’s Ordination Cannot Be Tolerated

The church stands under the authority of the sufficient and perspicuous Scriptures, and if a church starts to disobey these …

Yesterday, Today, and Forever

There has always been a degree of persecution for us in one place or another, and it is highly likely, …

The Success of “Avatar” Is Nothing to Celebrate

Intellectually, the Avatar stories seem worthless, beneath contempt, indeed, beneath argument. This leads people to underestimate them but also to feel themselves …