Household Expectations: Be All In

Church life stabilizes our families because it is built on a sure foundation. It is a place where we learn …

The Sabbath is Vital to the Christian Religion

Sabbath-keeping does not come naturally to me. It does not fit with my sensibilities; I much prefer believing that I …

Delayed Obedience Is Disobedience (Except When It Isn’t)

And the lesson, perhaps, is that acting with wisdom, even in turning away from disobedience to pursue obedience, sometimes takes …

Christian Life in a Declining Empire

Whatever ruling power and prevailing culture exists in a given locale, the people of God have their directions from His …

Monuments To Wrongness

If only we could move away from this graceless fear of reprisal, we might have more monuments to our wrongness. …

Is God Still Good?

Fundamental to all Christian ministry is the need to help people face reality: the reality of God, the reality of …

What Does the Bible Say about Beauty?

Humans spend time, energy, and money trying to achieve an ideal look that they think will make them beautiful. So …