The “Great Reset” Towers in Babel

Unelected global elites, using fear and force, have big plans for the world. And, unless I missed it, submission to …

Ten Looks at Jesus, Part 1

What sustained Jesus on that dark Friday we now call “Good,” on the single most horrible day in the history …

For Religious Liberty

The kingdom of God will not be advanced by the sword. Peter wanted to pick up the sword in the …

How the Hymns of Christmas Teach Right Doctrine

Christmas announces His lordship over all creation. His life, obedience, death, and resurrection ensure that the darkness will end, and …

Not A Very Flattering Picture

Unredeemed sinners are fully haters of God does not mean salvation instantly turns us into complete lovers of God. Saved …

In these polarized times, even a prayer could be up for debate

(RNS) — In October, Christian Churches Together, an ecumenical group of Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox Christians, gathered for its annual …