Simple Solution to Same-Sex Civil “Marriage”

As a society, we should question why we’re extending social and government benefits to a group based on sexual behavior …

God’s Relationship to the World

Written by James E. Bruce | Tuesday, December 6, 2022 If God is a father, then preferential, faithful, and self-sacrificial …

Who Was John Lafayette Girardeau?

By the books bearing his name, one could easily be led to think John Girardeau was a philosophical theologian of …

Difficult Bible Passages: 1 Corinthians 3:19

None of us have all the truth. We can learn from others. For some silly Christian to come along and …

Psalm 126: Set Free

Psalm 126 is an encouraging reminder to saints throughout all ages that, just as the Israelites were saved from Babylonian captivity, …

The Necessity to Prioritize the Local Church

Let us consider the joyful privileges and serious responsibilities of covenant church membership that necessitates us sharing life together, submitting …

A Tree But More Than A Tree

Next time you look upon one of these majestic giants of the field, may it serve to guide you in …

Fast and Pray, But Withdraw Anyway

The fact that the session views as “attacks” the criticism that Memorial Church and Greg Johnson have received, since hosting …