Jesus is the Main Character in a New Simulation Game

When Paul told the Church to be imitators of Christ, he likely didn’t mean as a video game character. In …

Why We Need More Women In Ministry

In 2016, Pew Research released findings that shook people’s assumptions about religious life in America. Women, traditionally considered the more …

The Key to Being Healthy With Dating Apps

Cuffing season has officially begun, which means the dating apps are swarmed with new, shiny (and not so shiny, in …

Reaching Milestones of Faith

The LORD had said to Abram, “Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land …

Meet the Next Generation of Christian Hip-Hop

It doesn’t feel all that long ago that Christian hip-hop was a joke. For most people, their only exposure to …

Sharks Are Swimming Close to Extinction

Scientists say sharks are inching closer and closer to extinction, even as other oceanic species are bouncing back. An international …