The Indonesian Christian churches and organizations mobilized to aid victims of the 5.6 magnitude earthquake that hit the Island of Java. Christianity Today reported that Jamokris, the Christian Community Network for Disaster Management in Indonesia, went to the scene in a coordinated attempt.
Denny Tarigan, one of the Christian aids said that amidst the rubble, survivors were smiling. Tarigan said that it is an indication that the people are strong enough to survive the tragedy.
Jamokris Effort in Java Earthquake
The reports about the casualties and the wounded vary, but thousands were sent to hospitals. Due to the volume of patients, some of them received treatment outside of the hospitals. The main injuries suffered were bone fractures.
The Christian groups had a Christian medical fellowship of about 10 doctors and 20 nurses assisting at the scene to treat patients. There were also other groups that provided other needs such as clean water, hygiene kits, and services for the disabled. There was also a Pentecostal group that set up five kitchens in different locations in the affected area.
The Jamokris set up its headquarters at the Gereja Kristen Pasundan Cianjur, a local area church that serves as a communication hub for the relief efforts. It is also a place where the partner agencies of the organization can send donations to people in need
Further, the organization works alongside the Persekutuan Gereja-gereja di Indonesia or Communion of Churches in Indonesia.
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Jamokris and the Role of Indonesian Churches and Religious institutions for Disaster Relief
According to the report, the organization came about when seven Christian organizations gathered together to be a ‘strong pillar’ for the country in times of natural disasters back in 2017. Since then, it has become an important part of disaster relief and aid in the country which is located in the Pacific Ring of Fire. The report added that there are also other religious groups such as the Barisan Ansor Serbaguna Nahdlatul Ulama and the Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Center also on the ground in cases of need.
2022 Java Earthquake
Disaster Philanthropy reported that the 5.6 magnitude earthquake struck the Cianjur region at 1:30 P.M. on Nov. 21, 2022. The epicenter is reported to be 6.2 miles in depth and there had been about 140 aftershocks as of Nov. 23.
The article added that the local emergency responders received support from the national government. Also, the military, the Indonesian Red Cross, as well as other NGOs, were also on the scene.
Reliefweb reported that as of Nov. 23, the death toll is currently at 268 with more than 1,000 people injured. It has also caused the destruction of over 22,000 homes and the displacement of over 58,000 people. CNN also reported on the issue, saying that there are still 151 people missing from the disaster.
Unfortunately, West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil reported that the incident struck several Islamic schools, resulting in the deaths of children.
Apart from the aftershocks, the survivors and the rescuers also had to worry about landslides and the possibility of tsunamis.
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