
North Dakota governor signs law restricting trans bathroom use in colleges, prisons – LifeSite

BISMARCK, North Dakota (LifeSiteNews) — North Dakota Republican Gov. Doug Burgum announced Wednesday that he signed a law that makes the state’s college students and prisoners use bathrooms and locker rooms in accordance with their biological sex. 

According to the provisions of H.B. 1473, jails, prisons, and public colleges must designate bathrooms, showers, locker rooms in a dormitory or living facility owned by the state board of higher education, as well as penitentiaries and correctional facilities for adults and youths, as “for use exclusively for males or exclusively for females.  

The legislation further requires special accommodations be given to students and prisoners “as deemed appropriate” by prison or college dorm staff. The law passed both houses of the North Dakota legislature with veto-proof majorities. 

The bill follows a string of similar bills Burgum signed into law.

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Perverted “Burlesque for Babies” drag shows should be made illegal
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With Drag Queens now targeting babies in a quest to normalize their degeneracy, it’s time for our lawmakers to ensure children in society are legally protected from this grooming.

SIGN: Drag Shows for children must be outlawed

“Burlesque for Babies” is the latest depraved iteration of the Drag Queen Story Hours that have targeted children across the western world. 

This involves woke parents taking their babies and toddlers to watch grown men, invariably wearing high-heels, make-up and little else, dance inappropriately for attention, gratification, money and grooming.

If you don’t believe us, just watch what this pro-LGBT commentator has to say (WARNING – graphic content): 

This is nothing less than grooming – an attempt by perverted men to sexualize children with erotic dancing.

SIGN & SHARE: Lawmakers must end the grooming of children by Drag Queens

How else can we describe half-naked men “twerking” in front of babies, if not by calling it “grooming”?

Aside from the degenerate men wanting to sexually perform for children, the other major culprits are of course the parents who bring their children to see them, tacitly endorsing the bondage outfits and overt perversion to allow these drag queens fulfill their sadomasochistic dreams with children. 

Any adult who wants to be naked, or close to naked, in front of children is an immediate threat to young people, which is why lawmakers must do everything to combat this degeneracy before it’s normalized.

Normalization is, of course, the goal of the LGBTQ movement, and that’s why we have to push back now.

SIGN: “Burlesque for Babies” and Drag shows for kids must be outlawed

Please SHARE this petition with as many people as possible before we send it to your politicians. 


‘Perverted and depraved’: Drag queen shows for babies in the UK draws widespread condemnation – LifeSiteNews

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One bill, H.B. 1254, signed by Burgum last week, prohibits medical professionals from performing “castration, vasectomy, hysterectomy, oophorectomy, metoidioplasty, orchiectomy, penectomy, phalloplasty, or vaginoplasty” on minors. It also prohibits a mastectomy and the administration of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones.

Two other bills, H.Bs. 1249 and 1489, protect women’s sports by prohibiting biological men from joining women’s sports in K-12 and collegiate settings and allow for women harmed by violations of the laws to sue for damages. Burgum vetoed a similar bill in 2021. 

Burgum also vetoed a bill last month that would have prohibited teachers from using students’ “preferred” pronouns without parental consent, as well as offered protections for government workers from using the “preferred” pronouns of co-workers, as LifeSite previously reported. While the North Dakota Senate managed to garner enough votes in an attempt to override Burgum’s veto, the state House failed to do so. 

H.B. 1473 is not the last gender ideology related bill that the North Dakota legislature sent to Burgum. Last week, the state House approved H.B. 1297, a bill that would prohibit people from changing birth records in the state based on gender identity, by a 79-11 margin. The following day, the state Senate passed the bill by a margin of 43-4.  

North Dakota is not the only Republican controlled state to have a law restricting the use of bathrooms or locker rooms based on biological sex.  

In March, Arkansas’s Republican Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders signed a bill barring members of public or charter schools from using facilities that do not align with their sex. Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds has likewise banned boys and girls from using facilities designated for the opposite sex, as has Idaho Gov. Brad Little.   

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