
Australian politicians grill Pfizer and Moderna execs over COVID jab heart injuries – LifeSite

CANBERRA, Australia (LifeSiteNews) — Pharma executives evaded questions from Australian politicians on Thursday regarding heart injuries caused by the Covid jabs and claimed that people were not forced to take the injections.

In a Senate hearing on August 3, Senator Gerard Rennick from the Liberal Party of Australia asked two Pfizer representatives whether their company “understand[s] why the vaccines cause myocarditis and pericarditis? And if not, how can it guarantee that it’s not also injuring other organs? And can you explain the process why the vaccine causes myocarditis and pericarditis?”

The Pfizer representative gave an evasive answer, saying, “Based on our clinical trials and the pharmacovigilance data, as well as real-world evidence, following the distribution now of billions of doses of vaccine, we retain strong confidence in the safety profile of the vaccine.”

He also claimed that the “number of reports of myocarditis remains small.”

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Tell the DNC that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. MUST be allowed to debate Joe Biden on vaccines!
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The Democratic National Committe (DNC), party insiders and much of the mainstream media are intent on preventing Robert F. Kennedy Jr. from having any primary debate with Joe Biden, all the while demonising RFK’s position on vaccines, lockdowns and treatments for COVID-19.

To prevent debate is blatantly anti-democratic, however.

Join us therefore in demanding that the DNC allow a vaccine debate between Joe Biden and RFK, finally letting Americans consider the other side of this key issue.


With the Democratic primary approaching, it behooves us to reflect on public health policies, especially with respect to the past three years, when draconian vaccine mandates seriously injured over 200,000 Americans and killed over 28,000 according to VAERS data.

We want facts and evidence, transparency and proper studies instead of censorship. We have a right to be consulted. The DNC’s refusal to allow primary debates is undemocratic, and keeps us ignorant of the facts we need to know. Health is not a partisan issue. 

The vaccine schedule has been imposed on our children for over twenty years without industry standard safety testing. We’ve seen a simultaneous increase in various chronic illnesses and conditions in childhood.

Companies like Pfizer, which have paid out billions of dollars for criminal malfeasance in the past, are now disincentivized from doing gold standard placebo/control group safety testing, all the while taking in billions of dollars in profit from compelled vaccination programs. They are also inexplicably shielded from COVID vaccine-injury compensation claims by the governments they supply.

By their own admission, the only ones who have immunity is them. 
Our voices are not being heard. We are not being consulted and informed. Fear campaigns are not scientific studies. The scientific method requires discussion and debate.

We therefore demand that the DNC allows RFK to debate Joe Biden on vaccines.

SIGN: Let your candidates debate this key public health question 

Once you have signed our petition, please share it with as many people as possible – as citizens, everybody needs to be informed.

It is our right in a liberal democracy. The emergency is over. Let’s look at how we’ve done. The voting public must be allowed to listen to a debate between Robert Kennedy and Joe Biden.  

Share this petition among your friends and neighbours. One’s health is no small matter. Let them debate! 

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READ: Swiss study finds that COVID vaccine heart injury up to 20 times more common than previously claimed

Rennick went on to interrupt the Pfizer employee several times to remind him that he had not answered his question about how the mRNA vaccine causes myocarditis.

The Pharma representative finally said that he would “take the questions on notice and come back to the committee with whatever information we can provide.”

The second Pfizer representative claimed during the hearing that he believes “firmly that nobody was forced to have a vaccine.”

“Mandates or vaccines requirements are determined by governments and health authorities. I believe everyone was offered an opportunity to get a vaccine or not get a vaccine, I don’t believe anybody was forced to take a vaccine.”

Contrary to the statements, many Australian doctors, nurses, and those in other professions lost their job for refusing to take the Covid injection.

Pfizer employees received a separate batch of Covid shots

Senator Malcolm Roberts from the One Nation Party asked the Pfizer spokespersons if it is true that Pfizer employees received their own batch of Covid shots that were not tested by Australian regulators.

The Pfizer representative answered in the affirmative, saying that “Pfizer undertook to import a batch of vaccines specifically for the employee vaccination program and that was so that vaccine would be taken from government stocks that was being delivered to clinics as needed.”

The pharma spokesperson also confirmed that Pfizer enforced a vaccine mandate on their employees, saying that “a small number of colleagues departed the company” because of it.

Contracts between Pfizer and Australian government ‘remain confidential’

Roberts asked the pharma representatives if the contracts between the Australian government and Pfizer regarding the supply of the Covid injections “include a clause that negates your indemnity in the event of Pfizer committing a crime such as fraudulent treatment of trial data?”

“Pfizer always abides by the laws and regulations of the markets in which it operates, it obliges by the highest standards for clinical trials and all its operations” one of the Pfizer representatives answered.

Contrary to the claims by the company spokesperson, Pfizer had to pay out billions of dollars for illegally marketing its products over the past two decades. In 2009, Pfizer paid a record $2.3 billion to settle criminal and civil allegations for illegal marketing of its painkiller Bextra.

Pressed again by Roberts to answer his question, the Pfizer representative said the contents of the contract between the pharma giant and the Australian government “remain confidential.”

Moderna unable to provide information about adverse events

During the same Senate hearing regarding the Covid injections, Senator Alex Antic from the Liberal Party asked a representative of pharma giant Moderna how the rate of serious adverse events from Moderna’s mRNA injections compares “with routine traditional vaccine products such as flu vaccines and the like.”

“I don’t have the actual rates of adverse events,” the spokesperson said.

“What I can tell you is that the rates of serious adverse events in our very large, randomized control trials were actually in a similar range to what was observed in placebo,” he claimed.

“You can’t tell me the rates of serious adverse events,” Antic stated. “You realize you’ve come to a senate hearing today for the purposes of exactly that question and you can’t tell me the rates of serious adverse reactions to your product, which I find extraordinary.”

“I can provide that information on notice,” the Modern representative replied.

READ: WATCH: Moderna CEO squirms as Rand Paul grills him on COVID jab risks

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