
Our Founding Documents With Ben Quine: The Declaration of Independence – The Stream

A new series exploring our country’s roots with Conversations with Christians Engaged … a podcast dedicated to helping believers continue walking in faith while navigating the muddy ways of politics and culture.

By The Stream

Published on August 16, 2023

Join Conversations With Christians Engaged for a tour of America’s founding documents — the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. Discover how, as John Quincy Adams noted, “the basic principles our country was founded on were the basic principles of Christianity.”

Join Ben Quine for this 6-part series, as he guides us through our country’s premier documents. You’ll gain practical insight into how our government works, why it is structured as it is, and how to pray for our leaders.

Watch the episode above or listen to it in your favorite podcast app. And join us again next week for another episode of Conversations with Christians Engaged.

Meanwhile, it’s never too late to take the Pledge to Pray, Vote, and Engage!

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