
Rock star Carlos Santana criticizes transgenderism, apologizes, then deletes apology – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — Famous rock star Carlos Santana sparked leftist outrage this week after he pointed out that human sexuality is, in fact, binary. Like many public figures in similar situations, Santana quickly apologized — but then seemed to reverse again by deleting the apology.

This week, a video went viral online in which Santana, 76, remarked during a Hard Rock Live concert at Etess Arena in Atlantic City, New Jersey, that, “when God made you and me, before we came out of the womb, you know who you are and what you are.”

The popular Mexican-American musician, who is well-known for his unique guitar stylings and numerous hit songs, including “Oye Como Va,” “Black Magic Woman,” and “Smooth” (and has set off alarm bells for claiming that he communicates with the angel “Metatron” for inspiration), told his audience that “a woman is a woman and a man is a man. That’s it.”

“Later on, when you grow up, you see things and you start believing that you could be something that, it sounds good, but you know it ain’t right,” the guitarist said.

Transgender activists reacted with horror to Santana’s comments. Media outlets labeled the obvious observations a “bizarre anti-trans speech” and a “random diatribe.”

On Thursday, the musician posted an apology to his Facebook page.

“I realize that what I said hurt people and that was not my intent,” Santana said in the statement. “I sincerely apologize to the transgender community and everyone I offended.”

“This is the planet of free will and we have all been given this gift,” the statement read. “I will now pursue this goal to be happy and have fun, and for everyone to believe what they want and follow in your hearts without fear.”

RELATED: Drew Barrymore and Dylan Mulvaney take Hollywood’s ‘trans’ obsession to a sickening new low

Shortly after posting the apology, Santana reportedly took it down.

He replaced the apology with a new statement vaguely declaring that “the energy of consciousness generates its own kind. hate begets hate. love begets love.”

Santana’s comments, followed up by the since-deleted apology, mirrors a recent episode in which pop star Ne-Yo similarly spoke out with clarity against transgender ideology, and then seemingly butted heads with his publicity team.

READ: Pop star Ne-Yo doubles down on opposition to gender ideology, says apology came from publicist

Ne-Yo’s comments decrying the mutilation and sterilization of children, which were predictably met with outrage from transgender ideologues, were followed up by a professionally worded apology posted to social media. 

In a short follow-up video, the celebrity then suggested that the apology had been posted by his publicist and reaffirmed his position that he “will never be okay with allowing” children to choose an alternate “gender identity,” something that will be “detrimental to [their] life.”

“That’s just period, point blank, and that’s how I feel,” he said, though emphasizing that he doesn’t harbor any animosity toward people who identify with a range of divergent sexual proclivities, and that he thinks that people can do what they want and raise their children how they prefer.

“If I get canceled for this, then you know what, maybe this is a world where they don’t need a Ne-Yo no more, alright?” the pop star said. “And I ain’t got no problem with that … I’ll figure it out. I got kids to raise, and I’m [going to] do that, regardless.”

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