
The Brew: New Mexico Governor Unilaterally Discards the Second Amendment – The Stream

It is September 11th.

22 years ago this morning, the United States endured the most shocking and agonizing attack in its history. The memories have faded just enough that cynical political hacks brush 9/11 off as “some people did some things” or compare much lesser events (think J6) to that most horrifying event. But we can never forget the full magnitude and tragedy of September 11th.

Alan Jackson famously, and heartbreakingly asked “Where were you when the world stopped turning?” Today the world is spinning, spinning out of control, some would say. Iran is again gaining strength and gearing up its destructive mischief. Saudi Arabia is cutting its oil production to help slit our economic throat … and we gave them the knife. As Raymond Ibrahim wrote so powerfully about on Friday, Iraq’s U.S.-sponsored president is continuing to persecute Christians, if not with the same dramatics as ISIS. Closer to home, ISIS-connected jihadists are escorting potential terrorists illegally through our borders like tour guides at Universal. DHS has ceded control of the border to cartels that we know are aligned with terror groups like Hezbollah.

And the U.S. government, as it considers a sweetheart plea deal with the 9/11 mastermind, is officially more concerned about the “threat” from concerned parents and flag-waving patriots.

Once again, we’ve placed a “hit me” sign right on the heart of America.

Perhaps the question on this 9/11 anniversary is, “Where are you standing now?”

New Mexico Governor Blows Off Constitution to Unilaterally Initiate Gun Ban

Who needs Islamist terrorists when you’ve got radical leftist politicians blowing up the foundations of our nation?

Take New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham. Grisham has just unilaterally banned citizens from carrying guns in and around Albuquerque and Bernalillo County. Yup. Just up and declared a “local health emergency,” issued an “emergency public health order” to suspend the state’s open and permitted concealed carry law. “That’s unconstitutional!” you must be saying. Grisham literally does not care. She declared, “No constitutional right, in my view, including my oath, is intended to be absolute.” 

Bernalillo County sheriff John Allen has already declared he will not enforce with Grisham’s unconstitutional order.

“The temporary ban challenges the foundation of our Constitution, which I swore an oath to uphold. I am wary of placing my deputies in positions that could lead to civil liability conflicts, as well as the potential risks posed by prohibiting law-abiding citizens from their constitutional right to self-defense.”

Gateway Pundit reports two New Mexico lawmakeers Stefani Lord and John Black are calling for Grisham’s impeachment.  

And the National Association for Gun Rights has already filed suit on behalf of a local citizen.

The NRA ILA Executive Director Randy Kozuch told Fox News Digital.  “Instead of undermining the fundamental rights of law-abiding New Mexicans, she should address the soft-on-criminal policies which truly endanger its citizens.”

Even liberal California congressman Ted Lieu is aghast.

We knew this was coming. You didn’t think all those civil rights and law-busting COVID restrictions just had to do with COVID, did you? As Ron DeSantis’ press secretary said in response to Grisham’s tyrannical move, “Did you think the left was going to stop at just forcing you to wear a mask?”

Surf City Says No to Any Future Mask or Vax Mandates

Huntington Beach, CA, the ocean front town south of L.A. famously known as “Surf City,” is saying “Heck, no,” to any new max or vax mandates. The City Council last week voted 4-3 to ban COVID-19 restrictions just as liberals rev up new efforts at mandates. Mayor Pro Tem Gracey Van Der Mark said the 2020-2021 mandates “unnecessarily limited the freedoms of the citizens of Huntington Beach – even those who were not around anyone who tested positive for COVID-19, or at any risk of exposure.”

Who can forget the stories of California surfers rounded up for violating COVID policies … while surfing. Or people walking alone on the beach getting cited.

Virginia Gov. Pardons Father Arrested at School Board Meeting After Daughter’s Sexual Assault Was Covered Up

Scott Smith’s daughter was sexually assaulted in a school bathroom by a young man in a skirt. The school superintendent lied about the crime, the Loudon County School Board hushed it up to protect their radical trans agenda. When Smith went to a meeting in June 2021 to express his outrage, a struggle ensued. He was arrested and quickly convicted of Obstruction of Justice and Disorderly Conduct.

Smith says he was arrested to stop his daughter from testifying at the school board meeting which was set to approve allowing biological males who identified as female to be in girl’s locker rooms and bathrooms. As the Daily Wire reported, he became a poster child for the “angry conservative parent” meme that had the DOJ, White House and National School Board Association dub protesting parents “domestic terrorists.”

On Sunday, Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin gave Smith an “absolute pardon.”

WHEREAS Scott Thomas Smith has been publicly and falsely accused of ‘domestic terrorism’ and ‘hate crimes’ for attempting to advocate for his daughter, a victim of sexual assault… I have decided it is just and appropriate to grant this ABSOLUTE PARDON that reflects Scott Thomas Smith’s factual innocence.”

Huh? Joe Biden While in Asia Says He Doesn’t Want to “Contain” China. “We’re All Better Off If China Does Well.”

Folks keep asking “What did China get from pouring all those millions into Hunter Biden and the Biden Penn Center?” Perhaps the question is “What more would they want?”

Yesterday, the President of the United States declared he does not want to “contain” China. In fact, Biden actually said “We’re not looking to hurt China — sincerely. We’re all better off if China does well.” He made the remarks at a press conference in communist Vietnam.

Incidentally, Biden will not be at any of today’s 9/11 commemorations. It will be the first time since 9/11 a president has not been at one or more of the 9/11 sites or delivered remarks from the White House lawn. Instead, Biden will be streaming in from Alaska on his way back from Vietnam. One veteran tells the Washington Examiner, “It’s another slap in the face to Americans.”  If you saw how wiped and weak he looked at yesterday’s presser, to the point a staffer cut off the press conference in mid-sentence, that’s a bit harsh. Making him travel all the way back to the East Coast would be too cruel to the Big Guy. 

Director Rob Reiner: Democracy Will Only Survive if Trump is Imprisoned and Third Party Candidates Aren’t Allowed to Run

Perhaps we should force an end to the writers and actors strikes so directors won’t have time to utter nonsense. Take this from famed director Rob Reiner.

To paraphrase one of his own movies. “This word ‘democracy.’ You keep using that word. I don’t think it means what you think it means.”

Along The Stream

Aliya Kuykendall offers a double header: This week’s “Sunny Side” is “Reality-Affirming Therapist Makes Hilarious Memes Exposing Transgenderism.”

She also asks a very provocative question: “Will the Future of AI Intersect With the Future of Christian Martyrdom?”  

Al Perrotta is the Managing Editor of The Stream, chief barista for The Brew and co-author, with John Zmirak, of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration. You can follow him at @StreamingAl at GETTRGabParler, and now at TRUTH Social.

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