
Texas doctor who used ivermectin to treat COVID targeted by medical board despite record of zero deaths – LifeSite

(American Thinker) — A physician with more than 25 years of experience, Dr. Mary Talley Bowden is board-certified in otolaryngology and sleep medicine. In 2019, she founded BreatheMD in Houston. Educated at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University, and the University of Texas Medical Branch, Dr. Bowden completed her residency at Stanford University. She is one of the few direct care specialists in the U.S. who does not contract with any health insurance companies and strives to offer affordable care with clear pricing.

Dr. Bowden was targeted after speaking out against prescribed protocols for treating COVID-19 and the experimental COVID vaccine. She has been a target of the Texas Medical Board, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and Houston Methodist Hospital for her early treatment of over 6,000 patients with COVID-19, despite her record including no deaths.

Her results highlight the effectiveness of her protocol in direct contrast to the protocols hospitals were using. The hospital protocols are using are connected with countless deaths, hospitalizations, and adverse effects, according to the government data found on the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

Following Dr. Bowden’s success with her protocols, the Texas Medical Board filed a formal complaint against her for violations of the Texas Medical Practice Act. Now, after a couple of appeals, her next hearing is scheduled to take place April 29, 2024.

From early on in the pandemic, Dr. Bowden, and other doctors, were using ivermectin, the Nobel Prize–winning medication, in their extremely effective treatment protocols. In response, the FDA initiated an aggressive campaign against using ivermectin in treating COVID-19. The FDA used the famous “horse” message stating, “Why You Should Not Use Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent COVID-19,” emphasizing that it is a horse dewormer and should not be used on people. This message can still be found on the FDA website.

Dr. Bowden and two other doctors sued the FDA for overstepping their authority and making suggestions for patient treatments. Judge Don Willett agreed, declaring in his ruling that the “FDA is not a physician.  It has authority to inform, announce, and apprise — but not to endorse, denounce, or advise.” Currently, this case is going back to the U.S. District Court in Galveston for further debate.

Dr. Bowden has also sued Houston Methodist for defamation. Although her case was dismissed, she appealed, and the judge reviewed the case on Dec. 12, 2023. She does not expect to hear anything back on this case for over a year.

In the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Bowden started using monoclonal antibodies to treat her patients and had great success. She explained that whenever she needed more, she could order them, and they would be delivered the next day. However, the government took over the distribution of the monoclonal antibodies. When this happened, it became harder and harder for her to get them until the government just stopped shipping them. Dr. Bowden says this was in order to push the COVID-19 vaccine.

The monoclonal antibodies were effective, and she said patients would turn the corner the next day if they were treated early. She emphasized that early treatments lead to better outcomes.

When she could not get any more monoclonal antibodies delivered by the government, she worried there would not be anything else as effective. However, she discovered that ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine worked just as well.

In 2021, the attacks on ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine increased exponentially. Dr. Bowden and others believe that the more ivermectin, a generic prescription drug, threatened the lucrative pharmaceutical industry, the more enemies it accumulated.

At present, there are more than 17,000 physicians who support early treatment and the protocol Dr. Bowden uses.

Additionally, Dr. Bowden explained that there is now overwhelming data showing that the spike proteins in the COVID-19 vaccines are causing four major domains of disease: cardiovascular, neurological, blood clots, and immunological abnormalities.

Because of this, her priority is to do everything she can to get the COVID-19 vaccine off the market. She is working with elected officials and political candidates to pull these dangerous vaccines.  She said she is happy to report that every day, more and more are joining the initiative.

Dr. Bowden is also concerned about and focused on the pediatric vaccine schedule, which currently includes the COVID-19 vaccine. This is scary, she explained, because most parents trust the government and do what they are told.  However, she is hopeful that more parents will wake up to the dangers of the COVID-19 vaccine.

In Dr. Bowden’s opinion, “there is no reason for children to get these shots. … We have no long-term safety data.”

Dr. Bowden went on to say when she looked at her new patient appointments, over seven percent are for ongoing chronic debilitating health issues that developed following individuals taking the vaccine. She went on to say it is very hard to diagnose myocarditis in a nonverbal child. How can a child communicate that he has chest pain, the primary symptom of myocarditis?

Dr. Bowden fears that these babies will get myocarditis — permanent scarring of the heart — and then one day they will collapse on the soccer field. This is what we are looking at, she emphasized.

Any other vaccine with this record would have been pulled off the market a long time ago, according to Dr. Bowden. She explained that in the 1976 swine flu outbreak, they stopped giving the vaccine after 25 deaths.  Currently on VAERS, there are more than 36,000 deaths reported, which is believed to be only one percent of the real number due to underreporting.  Yet they are still advertising this vaccine.

There is also significant concern with the protocol the hospitals are using to treat COVID-19 patients. The CARES Act provides incentives for hospitals to use treatments directed solely by the federal government with the backing of the National Institute of Health. These incentives are financial and provide payments to the hospitals for the following: a diagnosis of COVID, admission to the hospital, use of Remdesivir (a drug shown to cause kidney failure in 25 percent of the people who take it), a patient being put on a ventilator, and if the patient dies and the cause of death is listed as COVID-19.

These incentives were not designed to treat patients and facilitate their health, but to aid in their demise, warned Dr. Bowden.

Last week, the FDA warned of a catastrophic drop in life expectancy, and in just the last nine months of this year, more than 158,000 more Americans died unexpectedly than in all of 2019, before the COVID-19 vaccine was introduced. To put that number in context, that is more casualties than in all wars since Vietnam, combined.

Dr. Bowden expressed deep concern about what is happening to the medical industry. Doctors have lost their autonomy and are now employees taking orders from the government and administrators on how to treat their patients, she explained. Many are sheep, she said, who sit quietly and do what they are told, rather than what is right by the medical doctrine “first do no harm.” She sympathized that they have families and mortgages but said they cannot allow themselves to be controlled by nefarious forces.

Reprinted with permission from American Thinker

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