
Under The Spout | Kurt Bomar – Blue Ridge Christian News

Under the Spout Where the Glory Comes Out

By Kurt Bomar

Avery Countykurt bomar Walnut Grove Church avery county

“But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.” Jude 20,21

There is a wonderful old hymn entitled “Get under the spout where the glory comes out.”  There is also a deep profound truth hidden in it.

First, let me dispense with a common misconception. It doesn’t mean that this upcoming year we can earn God’s love by being a “good little boy or girl.” Oh, how we miss so much when we think that God’s love for us depends on our obedience to Him. This can be proven by looking at Rom. 5:8. There Paul tells us that God loved us even before we knew Him. While we were still in a sinful state. Does it make sense that after we are saved, His love for us would turn conditional?

God doesn’t make a list and check it twice like Santa. Rather we make the list and He blots it out!

If this is true, then why are we told to “keep ourselves in the love of God?” It’s very simple. It means we are wise to be in the place where we can receive His blessings. Think of God as a refreshing waterfall on a hot day. We can get under it and enjoy that blessing, or we can wander down a path that separates us from it.

Here’s the point. When we wander away and we don’t feel the blessings of God we need to know that He didn’t shut off the waterfall. It’s still going full power. He is faithful even when we are not. God doesn’t monitor the volume based on how well we are doing. He simply gives us the choice to bask in His blessings or not. But His love for us is always there.

It’s up to us to get back under the spout where the glory comes out.

Selah (think about it)

Asst. Pastor Kurt Bomar, Walnut Grove Church

Come  join us on Sundays at 11:00


Kurt Bomar is the Assistant Pastor of Walnut Grove Church located in Avery County. You are welcome to join them on Sundays at 11:00 AM for worship! (When we are allowed to meet in the building again). You can read more Christian news from Kurt Bomar HERE.


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