
Jordan Peterson plans to keep fighting after court rejects final appeal of board’s punishment – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — Famous Canadian psychologist, lecturer, and podcaster Dr. Jordan Peterson, who rose to international attention after publicly refusing to use “gender-neutral” pronouns, lost his appeal of an administrative board’s decision to compel him to undergo mandatory re-education.

“You have won the battle, minions of the deep state, faceless-for-now but not for long bureaucrat-authoritarians, but you haven’t won the war,” Dr. Peterson wrote in a lengthy and combative response published by the Canadian outlet National Post. 

Peterson said in the Wednesday article that his “legal options have” now “been exhausted” after Ontario’s highest court on Wednesday rejected his appeal of an administrative psychologist board’s 2022 ruling that his public political statements ran afoul of the administrative board’s rules and that he must therefore submit to, and personally pay for, a “coaching program” on professionalism.

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The penalty was imposed in response to comments made by Peterson that bucked prevailing narratives on a variety of issues, provoking acrimony from social media users and others.

“Since at least 2018, the college has received complaints about Dr. Peterson’s public statements,” an Ontario Supreme Court panel said in an August 2023 ruling, Inside Higher Ed reported. 

“Some complaints have been formal, but many were ‘tweeted’ to the college via the social media platform Twitter, and often involved Dr. Peterson’s views on topics of social and political interest, including transgender questions, racism, overpopulation and the response to COVID-19,” the court stated.

After the Ontario Supreme Court’s decision last summer, Peterson filed an appeal with the Court of Appeal for Ontario, which also declined to grant his request on Wednesday.

A spokesman for the court confirmed the ruling in an email comment provided to The Canadian Press, adding that the panel on the court “does not provide reasons for its decisions.”

“Thus, I face two choices,” Peterson wrote in his response. 

“I can comply, when the College goes ahead with its determination to require my re-education, dutifully attend whatever bloody classes their DEI-enthusiast ‘social media experts’ (whatever those are) determine to inflict upon, confess the sins of my classic liberal/conservative or even Judeo-Christian political, philosophical and theological commitments, repent and silence myself,” he said.

Alternatively, Dr. Peterson said, he could reject the ruling outright, in which case he would “lose my right to practice or even to describe myself as a psychologist, and suffer the consequences on the reputation front.”

But for Peterson, who has become “independently wealthy” and successfully independent of his psychological practice, which he “had to fold up in 2017” due to controversy, the ruling actually means “very little.”

He said the “easiest thing for me to do personally” would be to tell the administrative board, the Ontario College of Psychologists: ‘Do your worst, you petty tyrants,’ and let the cards fall where they will.”

“I have positioned myself very carefully, knowing all this was coming, accepting its inevitability, so that I wasn’t even particularly upset when the news came down,” he said.

However, Peterson pointed out that his punishment and the rejection of his appeals will impact far more than himself and his own situation.

“Fighting these pathetic demons has already cost me weeks of work and close to a million dollars,” he said. “Are you, fellow Canadian professionals, feeling up to that task? I thought not — and have seen very little evidence of courage or ability from you on that front. So we can just imagine where that will leave the typical Canadian who dares to speak his or her mind.”

While Peterson said he could personally “end my association with my increasingly mad profession … and go about my perfectly functional life, without the burden of scrapping with idiots — without even the necessity of facing the full reality of the political idiocy and willful blindness that now makes up the Canadian scene,” he said he doesn’t intend to give up so easily.

“I think I’ll fight a little longer,” he said.

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Peterson’s fame, which extends far beyond the borders of Canada, has grown in recent years thanks in large part to the very controversy that sparked his administrative punishment. Much of Peterson’s approach focuses on calling people, especially young men, to accept and take on personal responsibility. While he has seemingly inspired many to explore Christianity, he has not yet espoused a personal belief in any religion, though his wife Tammy converted to Catholicism last year and he has affirmed his support of her decision.

An accomplished author, speaker, and podcaster, Dr. Peterson inked a deal with the conservative media platform The Daily Wire in 2022, which uploaded all of his extensive video library and podcast episodes and commenced creating Daily Wire exclusive content with him.

“The addition of Dr. Jordan Peterson, the pre-eminent public intellectual of our time, should indicate exactly how serious we are about bringing quality counter-cultural voices to the fore,” CEO Jeremy Boreing said at the time. 

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