
Pro-Decency Activists Make a Difference Nationwide – The Stream

As we’ve been reporting, our local MassResistance chapters across America (and in several foreign countries) have been leading the conservative movement in on-the-ground activism against radical leftist agendas. As a result, our MassResistance chapter leaders are being recognized by the conservative movement in their states. Here are three recent awardees:

Tracy Shannon, Leader of Texas MassResistance, Receives Award

Tracy Shannon receiving her Conservative Leadership award at Texas Scorecard event in Dallas.

Texas Scorecard, an online newspaper site, is the primary non-leftist news source in Texas. It describes itself as “Always trustworthy, with the facts in context. Relentlessly pro-citizen, unabashedly pro-liberty.” We wish every state had a resource like that. On December 9, 2023, Texas Scorecard gave Tracy Shannon, leader of Texas MassResistance, a statewide Conservative Leader Award at an event in Dallas. As Tracy told us:

I got the award for my work fighting the trans movement in Texas, including in the Legislature. The upcoming years 2024 and 2025 will be even better! We’re going to be doing a lot of things that other MassResistance chapters in other states can also do to end this insanity.

We will get laws passed in Texas to stop issuing gender marker changes that are not consistent with biological reality and we will define male, female, man, woman, girl, and boy in law and protect sex-segregated spaces in Texas. We will also stop social transition, declare medical procedures to trans kids as child abuse, and end drag entertainment for kids.

Avraham Sharaby of New Jersey MassResistance Addresses Liberty Group

Bergen County NJ for Liberty is a major conservative organization in northern New Jersey. On January 10, 2024, Avraham Sharaby, our New Jersey chapter leader, addressed the organization in Hackensack. As they announced:

We are pleased to invite Avraham Sharaby, New Jersey representative of MassResistance, a national organization dedicated to parental rights … and exposing the deliberate re-educating of students in transgender transitioning, trans socializing, curriculum and books that have explicit sexual references, and the lack of school systems to inform parents.

Avraham gave them a powerful primer for grassroots fighting on these red-hot issues!

Avraham (at left) addressing the Bergen County NJ for Liberty attendees.

Ron Nate of Idaho MassResistance Selected to Run Idaho Policy Group

The Idaho Freedom Foundation (IFF) is the largest and most influential conservative policy organization in the state of Idaho. It promotes liberty-minded policy innovation and is a tireless watchdog against government waste and marketplace intervention by the state. It’s credited with saving taxpayers millions of dollars, eliminating failed government programs, and holding politicians accountable like never before in the history of the state.

Earlier this month they announced that Ron Nate, our Idaho MassResistance chapter leader in Madison County, has been named the new president of IFF. Ron is no lightweight! The IFF describes his professional credentials:

Prior to joining IFF, Nate served as an economics professor at Brigham Young University-Idaho in Rexburg. He has a Ph.D. in economics with 25 years of teaching experience. Nate also served three terms in the Idaho House of Representatives between 2014 and 2022, where his committee assignments included Joint Finance and Appropriations; Judiciary, Rules & Administration; and Local Government.

We’re thrilled that Ron is moving on to such a great new role!

Ron Nate (at right) leads a planning session of the MassResistance local chapter.

Final Thoughts

We’re proud of all our outstanding activists and leaders around the country — and beyond. We’ve noticed that this critical battle against the leftist horrors attracts some extraordinary people.

We love to remind people that U.S. Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene was a fearless Georgia MassResistance activist in Atlanta before she ran for Congress. (There are many more we could name.)

They’re the best fighters anywhere!

Originally published at Reprinted with permission.

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