
Doug Ford’s Ontario gov’t doubles down on backing Trudeau’s use of the Emergencies Act – LifeSite

U.S. citizens: Demand Congress investigate soaring excess death rates 

BURLINGTON, Ontario (LifeSiteNews) — The Ontario government is defending the use of the Emergencies Act (EA) to end 2022 Freedom Convoy despite the recent court ruling that said it violated Charter rights.   

During a January 24 press conference in Burlington, Ontario, Deputy Premier of Ontario Sylvia Jones declared that the Progressive Conservative Ontario government under Doug Ford continues to support Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s decision to invoke the EA despite the Federal Court ruling that the move was “not justified.” 

“We cannot have communities held hostage and not have access to critical infrastructure again,” said Jones, who served as the province’s solicitor general during the 2022 Freedom Convoy, before being promoted to health minister as well as deputy premier.  

“We had ambulances and fire trucks who literally who could not go on certain roads, so something had to be done,” she added, without referencing a single instance when someone who needed critical care was inhibited by the Freedom Convoy.  

“Some of those impacts that were happening in our community, whether it was in Ottawa or in our border communities, had very direct and serious impacts, whether it was economic or socially,” she asserted.  

“But I will leave it to the federal government on whether they wish to appeal and how they will do that,” Jones concluded.  

Jones’ comments are consistent with Ontario Premier Doug Ford’s position in 2022 when he said he “stood shoulder-to-shoulder” with Trudeau to invoke the EA to end the Freedom Convoy.   

However, Trudeau’s decision has since been ruled “not justified” by Federal Court Justice Richard Mosley.  

According to the ruling, the EA is meant to be reserved as a last resort if all other means fail. It cannot be invoked unless all other measures have been exhausted.  Furthermore, the ruling pointed out that there were other means to end the protest.  

On February 14, 2022, the EA was enacted to shut down the Freedom Convoy protest which took place in Ottawa. The popular protest featured thousands of Canadians calling for an end to COVID mandates by camping outside Parliament in Ottawa.   

Measures taken under the EA included freezing the bank accounts of Canadians who donated to the protest.     

Trudeau had disparaged unvaccinated Canadians, saying those opposing his measures were of a “small, fringe minority” who hold “unacceptable views” and do not “represent the views of Canadians who have been there for each other.”       

Trudeau revoked the EA on February 23 after the protesters had been cleared out. At the time, seven of Canada’s 10 provinces opposed Trudeau’s use of the EA.    

The position of the nominally “conservative” Ford government is apparently contrary to most other conservatives who celebrate the ruling.  

Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre called for Trudeau to be “fired” after the ruling,  arguing that the current prime minister “caused the crisis by dividing people. Then he violated Charter rights to illegally suppress citizens.”    

“As PM, I will unite our country for freedom,” he promised.     

Similarly, six MPs from across the party lines have demanded an explanation from the Special Joint Committee on the Declaration of Emergency following the ruling. 

Indeed, Jones’ comments seem more aligned with the Liberal government as Liberal Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland announced the Trudeau government does not agree with the ruling and will take the case to the Federal Court of Appeals, of which 10 of the 15 justices are Trudeau appointed. 

U.S. citizens: Demand Congress investigate soaring excess death rates 

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