
The Brew: Biden Declares ‘We Shall Respond’ to Iran … or Was It Texas? – The Stream

We’ve got us a Monday.

And it starts with prayer for the families of the three service members killed in Jordan in a drone attack by Iranian-backed elements in Syria. Our Tom Sileo will have more on this attack in the hours and days to come.

Target Iran? Or Make Things Tougher for Israel?

The first confirmed U.S. military fatalities at the hands of Iran-backed militias since the Oct. 7 terrorist attack is a game-changer. The heat is now on Biden to strike harder at Iran after three years of appeasement, and months of Iran-backed forces in the Middle East launching non-stop attacks on American forces with limited response. Several Republican Senators including Sen. Lindsey Graham, John Cornyn and Roger Wicker are calling for direct strikes on the Iranian regime.

Barely two weeks ago, Joe Biden declared, “I’ve already delivered the message to Iran. They know not to do anything.” Maybe they didn’t hear him over the sound of their own laughter.

Regardless, Biden said Sunday, “We shall respond.”

In what way? (We will update if there is a sizable response overnight.) 

On Sunday, NBC News reported Biden is considering slowing or stopping some weapons shipments to Israel to pressure Prime Minister Netanyahu to scale back the operation in Gaza. The White House insisted later Sunday there’s been no change in policy.

We pray for God’s shield over the American service members in this increasingly volatile region. And the protection of our nation. 

Border Round-Up, Part One

House Republicans unveiled two Articles of Impeachment Sunday against DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas over his willful refusal to protect our country.

Article One includes:

Throughout his tenure as Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro N. Mayorkas has repeatedly violated laws enacted by Congress regarding immigration and border security. In large part because of his unlawful conduct, millions of aliens have illegally entered the United States on an annual basis with many unlawfully remaining in the United States. His refusal to obey the law is not only an offense against the separation of powers in the Constitution of the United States, it also threatens our national security.

Article Two accuses Mayorkas of lying under oath to Congress about the border being “secure,” “closed” and that DHS had “operational control” of the border.

Speaker Mike Johnson promises to hold an impeachment vote on Mayorkas “as soon as possible.” It won’t be soon enough.

Border Agents had 302,000 illegal immigrant encounters in December alone. On Friday, Customs and Border Patrol announced it has encountered 50 people on the terrorist watch already in Fiscal Year 2024. As Post Millennial notes, until Biden came into office, the annual number was always in the single digits.

Texas Brushes Off Demands from White House

So what’s the latest in the standoff between Texas and the White House?

Texas rejected another demand from Joe Biden to let federal Border Agents into the park where Texas National Guard has put up razor wire fencing that’s keeping illegal immigrants from crossing into our country.

“Your request is hereby denied,” declared State Attorney General Ken Paxton.

And don’t think about nationalizing the Texas National Guard, Big Guy. If Biden pulls that “bonehead” move, Gov. Greg Abbott warned Saturday, he’s ready with other law enforcement personnel who can’t be commandeered by Biden. “We are prepared in the event that that unlikely event does occur to make sure that we will be able to continue exactly what we’ve been doing over the past month, and that is building these barriers.” 

Is Biden getting revenge on Texas? Treating it like Russia? Last week Biden put the brake on approving liquid natural gas exports. The approvals Biden is blocking would prove an economic boost to Texas, to say nothing of the entire U.S. energy industry. Biden claims the move is to help address the “climate crisis” Yeah, right, says Abbott.

But let’s assume Biden is serious that his throwing a wet blanket onto liquid natural gas is about “climate change.” This puts him on the side of those who would wreck the Mona Lisa.

Climate Activists Throw Soup at the Mona Lisa … Yes, That Mona Lisa.

The radical nuts who’ve been running around trying to wreck great artworks in the name of saving the planet went after the big prize Sunday, the Mona Lisa.

A less than dynamic duo threw pumpkin soup at the famed painting. Of course, the Mona Lisa is safely behind glass and the two just made a mess and fool of themselves.  The pair said they were acting in the name of “food security” … rather than the usual “climate change,” but sure enough climate is their real game.

According to ABC News, the collective behind the attack, Riposte Alimentaire, released a statement which said in part, “Agriculture is responsible for 21% of national greenhouse gas emissions and contributes greatly to the deterioration of our biodiversity and the impoverishment of soils, due to the massive use of inputs.”

Coming out against farming? It’s not the planet they love. It’s Western Civilization they hate. 

Standing Up: Pa. High School Regains Warrior Nickname Thanks to New Anti-Woke, Pro-Native American School Board

In 2021, the woke school board of the Southern York County School District forced Susquehannock Senior High to ditch its Native American-honoring “Warriors” nickname. (Snubbing centuries of history of the Susquehannock Indians in the area, as part of the national move to erase First People’s themed mascots because they were “offensive.”)

The county’s had a couple school board elections since then and a slew of pro-Native American candidates with a distaste for the cancel culture have won. Earlier this month, by a 7-2 vote, the school board decided to cancel the cancel, and give Susquehannock High back its name and mascot.

Go Warriors!

Native American activist Andre Billeaudeaux tells Fox News Digital that “this vote was the Lexington and Concord moment in the effort to defeat cancel culture.”

You know where the Brew’s head is going: Does this mean Washington getting back its fabled “Redskins” nickname will be the Yorktown?

2024 Strikes Again: Ben Shapiro Has #1 Song in America? With a Rap Song? 

One sure prediction about 2024 is that it was going to be S-T-R-A-N-G-E. If we had a dime for every time we shrug and say, “Well, that’s 2024 for you,” we could pay for one of Hunter Biden’s paintings.

We thought John Fetterman starting to sound like Ann Coulter would top January “that’s 2024” moment, but he’s now left in the dust. Do you know who had the number one song on iTunes Sunday? Not Taylor Swift. Not Beyonce. Try Ben Shapiro. Yes, conservative commentator Ben Shapiro. And he’s done it with a rap song, a genre he’s on record trashing. Shapiro teamed with rapper Tom McDonald for a track and video that’s blow up over the weekend. It’s called “FACTS.”

Here’s taste:

You can watch the whole video here on YouTube.

Congrats, Ben. Or B-Sharp.

Finally, we just mentioned Senator Fetterman. The suddenly moderate-sounding Fetterman pulled off a boss move the other day. His house got surrounded by Pro-Palestinian protesters over his support for Israel. How’d he answer the Palestinian flag-waving horde? By getting on his roof and waving a huge Israeli flag.

Along The Stream

Jason Jones and John Zmirak have a fascinating and must-read exchange with “How Do Pro-Lifers Keep Influence as Trump Rolls Up Victories?”

Mike Howell lays out how the transgender madness has infiltrated every nook of the government in “The Transgender Administrative State.”

Al Perrotta is the Managing Editor of The Stream, co-author, with John Zmirak, of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration and co-author of the counter-terrorism memoir Hostile Intent: Protecting Yourself Against Terrorism.

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