
Biden Faces Impeachment Threat Amid Controversy Over Israel Weapons Policy – American Faith

President Joe Biden is facing criticism for his threat to halt weapons shipments to Israel if it enters Rafah, a move that may fuel discussions about impeachment.

Fox News Digital reported on Thursday that Rep. Cory Mills (R-Fla.) is drafting impeachment articles against Biden over his recent stance on Israel.

“The House has no option but to impeach President ‘Quid pro Joe’ Biden,” Mills stated. He referenced Biden’s actions as Vice President, alleging that Biden used aid to pressure Ukraine into dismissing an attorney general investigating Burisma, a company linked to his son Hunter’s finances and “the big guy’s” share.

“Now, Joe Biden is exerting pressure on Israel, our key ally in the Middle East, by suspending their approved House funding unless they cease all operations with Hamas. It’s a clear quid pro quo message,” Mills remarked.

Mills noted similarities with the accusations against former President Trump that led to his 2019 impeachment by Democrats.

“We are moving forward with articles of impeachment against Joe Biden based on the same grounds,” Mills stated.

Mills shared a document on social media, comparing Biden’s actions to Trump’s Ukraine dealings, suggesting a “quid pro quo” scenario.

The document accuses Biden of seeking a “quid pro quo” with Israel by withholding precision-guided weapons shipments to achieve military policy changes.

Biden defended his stance during a CNN interview, stating, “If [Israel goes] into Rafah — they haven’t gone into Rafah yet — if they go into Rafah, I’m not supplying the weapons historically used for such actions.”

He clarified that the U.S. will continue to support Israel’s Iron Dome system.

Regarding an assault on Rafah, Biden emphasized, “It’s simply wrong,” reiterating, “We won’t provide the weapons and artillery shells.”

In response to Biden’s position, an old tweet from 2019 resurfaced, where Biden criticized Trump for withholding aid to Ukraine to gain political leverage.

“This is no laughing matter—Trump continues to prioritize personal and political interests over national interests. He should be impeached,” Biden stated at the time.

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