
Mother Discovers Miraculous Message After Her Son’s Death – Charisma News

Every mother wants to know they are loved by their children.

As Fox News shared, Mary Alexander was dealing with grief and loneliness following the passing of her 39-year-old son, Jason. However, her decision to clean out an old closet led to an incredible discovery.

In the closet she found an envelope in a child’s handwriting. The envelope was meant to be sent to the local newspaper.

The un-mailed letter was from her son, Jason. It read:

My mother is the best mom because she’s always there when I need her most. Even though I can make her real angry sometimes, she always understands because she’s so caring and understanding. And to me, that’s why she’ll always be No. 1 to me and her family.

For Alexander, finding this letter was a complete miracle as it lifted her up in a moment of despair and sorrow. This ‘godwink’ will be detailed in greater depth in SQuire Rushnell and Louise DuArt’s upcoming Godwink book focused on mothers.

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