
California Ranks Number One For Illegal Border Crossings Since the 1990s – American Faith

California is now ranked as the top spot for illegals to cross into the United States since the 1990s.

Report from The Gateway Pundit:

Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom has incentivized illegals to come to California as he continues to offer free health care to illegal aliens.

Instead of taking action to close the border gaps in the San Diego sector, it is kept intentionally open for illegals to flood the Golden State.

In April, border crossings were already surging with over 6,400 crossings in just two days. San Diego sector had the highest with 1,500 illegal crossings for two days in a row.

Since Texas has taken action to lock down their border, a lot of illegals have been entering through San Diego. There has also been an increase of Chinese illegals crossing the border.

To make matters even worse, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has continued to dodge responsibility for the open border.

Back in February, Secretary Mayorkas was on NBCs “Meet the Press” and took zero responsibility for the Federal Government’s role in protecting our country from invasion.

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