
Poll Reveals Trump Leads Biden Among Independents – American Faith

According to a new I&I/TIPP Poll, Former President Donald Trump is leading President Joe Biden among independents.

The survey revealed independents favor Trump over Biden in a head-to-head race by a five-point margin, although 15 percent remain unsure.

The overall survey showed Biden and Trump nearly tied in a matchup with third-party candidates included, with Biden garnering 39 percent support and Trump seeing 38 percent support. 

TIPP Insights notes that this is significant because “independents in the last election favored Biden 54% to Trump’s 41%.”

“That has, for all intents and purposes, been reversed this time around, as the I&I/TIPP data demonstrate,” the survey said.

“African-Americans, for instance, gave 87% of their vote to Biden in 2020, compared to just 12% for Trump. But that’s changed dramatically in 2024: Black voters say they favor Biden by 59%, a 28% decline from four years ago, while 15% say they back Trump, a three percentage-point gain. All told, it’s a 31-point swing,” it continued.

“Among Hispanics, Biden slammed Trump in 2020, 65% to 32%. In this month’s I&I/TIPP Poll, Hispanics give just 47% support to Biden, 26% to Trump, and 13% to Kennedy.”

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