
4 Ways to Pray Against the Pandemic Treaty – Intercessors for America

Reading Time: 4 minutes

All eyes are on Geneva, as the 77th meeting of the World Health Assembly convenes to vote on the Pandemic Agreement and IHR amendments from May 27, 2024 through June 1. For the past few months leading up to the notorious meeting, negotiations have continued behind closed doors. Different versions of both documents have been released, leaving many to wonder what the final “agreements” will contain.

Opposition to the WHO’s plans has grown significantly as leaders around the world have finally become aware that both the Pandemic Treaty and the IHR amendments could give an unelected global organization unprecedented power over future “emergencies” or pandemics, threatening national sovereignty and individual health freedom.

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Recently a letter signed by 49 U.S. Senators was sent to President Biden, strongly urging him to withdraw his support of the WHO. Additionally, it demanded that any “agreements” made should be treated as treaties, which would require a two-thirds supermajority vote in the Senate for approval.

Resistance continues to pour out like a broken dam. The U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee, at least 22 state attorneys general, and governors of at least 24 U.S. states are pushing back and saying NO to what they label as a constitutional takeover.

Legislators from six continents took part in a Sovereignty Summit on May 23, led by Senator Ron Johnson, where strategies were discussed and  formulated to prevent the approval of the Pandemic Treaty and IHR amendments. The summit’s theme was titled, “Not Now,” as it stressed that the proposed “treaties” are currently not transparent enough for approval.

A Worldwide Rally for Freedom took place in New York on May 25, 2024 at the U.N. Headquarters at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza. Speakers included medical freedom advocate Dr. Meryl Nass, Holocaust survivor and human rights activist Vera Sharav, President of Children’s Health Defense Mary Holland and Reggie Littlejohn, co-founder of the Stop Vaccine Passports Task Force. The goal was to inform the public about the WHO’s plans and how to stand in unity against global healthcare.

No matter how hard they try, the WHO will not be able to avoid the rallying cries of people around the world who want no part of their agreements. The Road to Geneva’s People’s Convoy is heading to Geneva, Switzerland to deliver a strong message that they will not give up national sovereignty or health freedom to a global entity. It’s a road trip with a mission that will begin on May 30, 2024, as organized groups from all over Europe will meet up at departure points of their choice and begin their journey to Geneva. Routes are provided in the United Kingdom, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Czech Republic and Italy.

“The Road to Geneva’s People’s Convoy is not hundreds of bumper-to-bumper vehicles like the Truckers Convoy in Canada. It is designed to be self-organizing and can consist of even just two vehicles.”

On May 31, everyone will gather at the arrival point in Mijoux, France, located in the Haut Jura Mountains National Park, a 40-minute drive from Geneva. A Freedom Celebration will take place in this beautiful location, but the big event will happen on June 1, when the We Are the Change Rally takes Geneva by storm. There will be up to 30 speakers, and a massive march where participants “will declare our independence from unelected global elites and make their votes obsolete.” The leaders of the WHO will not be able to ignore this huge presence taking place literally at their doorstep.

Intercessors, this is a critical time in our nation’s history, as well as the world. Your prayers have been very successful as we can see resistance rising in great numbers. Let’s keep the momentum up by praying for several things:

1- Pray that the loud voices of resistance will be heard and heeded.

2- Pray for protection over legislators, freedom fighters and citizens who are leading this opposition against global authorities.

3- Pray that the plans of the WHO would be stopped in their tracks and that national sovereignty would be preserved.

4- Pray that the Lord Jesus would provide direction as to the path forward so that health freedom and constitutional rights would be preserved.

Lord Jesus, we thank you for guiding us in this struggle against world authorities, as well as the principalities who are the true instigators of this battle. Please give us courage and direction as our leaders and citizens face this global giant that you are more than capable of slaying in a moment’s notice.

“Though they plan evil against you, though they devise mischief, they will not succeed,” Psalm 21:11.

Intercessors, how are you praying about the World Health Assembly and for those fighting on the frontlines against global tyranny?

Angela Rodriguez is an author, blogger and homeschooling Mom who studies the historical and biblical connections between Israel and the United States. You can visit her blogs at and She is also the author of Psalm 91: Under the Wings of Jesus and her first children’s book, Hallelujah’s Great Ride, was just released in September 2023.

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