
Injustice at the Polls: An Eyewitness Testimony – Intercessors for America

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Elections have been underway and with six months until November, no one knows what will happen. If the 2020 elections taught us anything, it’s expecting the unexpected. I recently spoke with a seasoned intercessor with experience serving at polling places and with True the Vote. She shared an eye-opening experience recently while serving as a volunteer. I pray that Donna’s story will be one of awakening that our prayers for the election are desperately needed, and our need action just as much, if not more.

Pray for your fellow intercessor.

Donna recently moved into a new neighborhood which is affluent compared to her much-loved old neighborhood. Since she had finished moving and was tired, she hadn’t signed up to serve for the election. However, two days before the election, the Travis County elections office called her.  “I got convicted and didn’t feel right about declining. Being affiliated with IFA as a state prayer leader, I knew this was the plan of God for me on that specific day.  It is like an open-book test — I had to say yes. I don’t look at it as volunteering; I look at it as serving my city and state. I was excited to meet people from my new neighborhood. The polling place was a beautiful resort and it took me a few minutes to find because it was large. I walked through the foyer and followed the signs to the events center. I managed to make it on time at 6:00 a.m.,” she said.

“When I walked in, I was surprised to see that everything was already done. All the signs were up in the room, even the parking lots. Since everything was set up, there was nothing for me to do.  Five workers were present: three female, one male, and the election judge, sitting at a table with tablets. None of them wore name tags. I extended my hand and introduced myself.  Not one smiled or shook my hand. They just glared at me. I sat at a table by myself. I overheard the people badmouthing a candidate. He showed up in the parking lot with a small group. The election judge asked me to go and put stickers on the machines. So, I did. They plugged and turned on the machines, we made sure the ballot boxes were set up, and now we were waiting on voters. We couldn’t clock in at 6:00 a.m. because the machines rejected the ballots. The workers had pulled out and used the wrong ballots for this election.” 

“When a poll worker arrived at 6:30 a.m., the election judge was frazzled. This young woman was a Republican and all attention and hostility was turned to her.  They never spoke to her at all. I introduced myself and she was very friendly.” 

“At 7:00 a.m, two people came in and waited in line. Two clerks were helping them. I was told to stand behind the voters to see if they had any needs, so I did.  Because the wrong ballots were used, we couldn’t check in the voters. They weren’t able to clock or log in. Tensions became very high. They unplugged the machines. The election judge contemplated telling voters to go vote around the corner. After a discussion and a quick response from the state election office, that option wasn’t necessary. A woman was stamping ballots in a corner and when I offered to help, she told me to go elsewhere. The concerned candidate from the parking lot entered the center, and the election judge was very hostile and told him he could not be there. A state election worker came to test the ballots and found out they used the wrong ballots. Just like that 250 ballots were spoiled.” 

Donna was sent to the parking lot to help with curbside voting. She greeted, encouraged, and ensured that voters they had their IDs ready. She refused to let the indoor atmosphere deter her from serving. They didn’t give Donna a tablet purposely, which meant she had to walk back and forth. But she determined to be pleasant and friendly, and she made sure the voters in the curbside had everything they needed.  

Finally, at 3:00 p.m., Donna was sent to lunch. She said the election judge had her phone out and put it away when she saw Donna. When she returned from a thirty-minute lunch, she was shocked to see law enforcement had been called on the candidate in the parking lot. When she asked what happened, she was told the candidate was harassing voters. Donna believes the election judge exaggerated the statement due to the fact that she had had a bad encounter with him in the past and held a grudge. At 5:00 p.m., people were being sent home.

Donna was surprised because she knew that 250 ballots had been spoiled and would need to be accounted for. She stood next to the judge and another clerk who were looking at that form, and she said, “Wow. I wonder how we account for the 250 ballots. How do we do that?” The clerk and election judge positioned themselves with their backs to Donna and never answered her question. “I found out the next day that the candidate whom they were bad-mouthing, and who was reported to the police, lost by 200 votes.” He is pursuing legal guidance and action

Reflecting on the events, Donna is most concerned by the numerous violations of policy, ethics, and perhaps the law. Here is a list in Donna’s own words:

  • There was no visible equity.
  • There were no signs stating Republican or Democrat. 
  • They badmouthed one candidate. 
  • I overheard the group talking about local elections and controversy.
  • I heard them speaking badly about the candidates and groups.
  • The election judge had her cell phone out, which is a big deal.

Donna summed it up well: “This is NOT supposed to happen. We are not to use our influence in a way that could shape another person’s vote.  They did not ensure a fair election for the people.”

Donna emailed the Travis County Elections office and requested not to serve around these workers again. She also had to email a report to the Travis County Election and the Republican Election offices, attaching her timecard for verification. Her hours were not accurate and Donna believes the election judge intentionally falsified her hours.  

Although this was an unpleasant experience for Donna, she looked to God for discernment about why this happened. She believes He wanted her there to see the injustice happening at our polling places. This was in Texas, but it would be naive to think election integrity is only an issue in Texas. The November elections affect our nation. If we continue to sit idly by we will watch our freedoms be stripped away.

This is how Donna has been praying and how she would encourage intercessors to pray.

10 Ways to Pray about Elections

  1. Pray that people will vote for their conscience, faith, and values (Proverbs 11:3).
  2. Pray for Christians to wake up and show up to vote (see Proverbs 1:32). 
  3. Pray for more believers and people of all ages to get involved in elections (see 1 Corinthians 15:58). 
  4. Pray against division, strife, and every other evil spirit at work (see Proverbs 10:12 & 17:14). 
  5. Pray against chaos at election sites (see Romans 16:25). 
  6. Pray that believers will stand for righteousness (see Matthew 5:13,14). 
  7. Pray for integrity to be restored to the election process (see Proverbs 12:22). 
  8. Pray for injustice and corruption to be exposed (Mark 4:22).
  9. Pray for the younger generations who have a heart to run for office and not to be discouraged by what they see (1 Timothy 4:12).
  10. Pray for accurate vote counts (Proverbs 11:1).

A final warning from Donna: 

 “The enemy uses chaos to establish control.

When they control the chaos, they control the script and offer a solution to the problems they create.

What I saw taking place at the elections was people who were creating chaos on purpose.

We blame politicians, we blame everyone, but this is our government! We have to take responsibility and take our authority in Christ.”  

Election Prayer:

Father, we come before You with a seemingly impossible problem with our elections. We praise You because You are not shaken or surprised by what is happening. You are still God and You are still on Your throne. Thank You, Lord, that You can work all things for good for those who love you and are called according to Your purpose. Even when it’s things we don’t understand. You are the God of all flesh and nothing is too hard for You. We lift our elections to You and ask for justice. We also ask for mercy on America. Many of our leaders have done evil in office and as a nation, we also reap from their bad decisions. We know that You can do anything, but what do You want us to do? Show us ways we can be proactive and make a difference, in Jesus’ name, amen.

How are you led to respond? Please share in the comments.

IFA contributing writer Gloria Robles is a passionate intercessor with a prophetic voice for today. For more from Gloria, go to Spotify or Anchor and listen to her podcast, Something To Share.

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