
An Arab way to a Gaza peace

For all the power available to an American president, Joe Biden made a special plea on June 3 to the leader of a tiny Arab sheikhdom. In a phone call, Mr. Biden urged the Emir of Qatar to press Hamas officials in the Gulf state to accept a U.S. proposal for ending the war in Gaza. It was perhaps an urging too far.

Qatar, like several other Arab states that often serve as go-betweens in conflicts, has relied mainly on nurturing trust and understanding between adversaries, such as Hamas and Israel, to achieve an agreement rather than on deploying carrot-and-stick tactics.

Qatar, for example, mediated a 2020 deal between the United States and the Taliban in Afghanistan. Oman often plays the role of a bridge-builder between the U.S. and Iran, while the United Arab Emirates recently facilitated a prisoner-of-war exchange between Russia and Ukraine. Iraq has been a key mediator between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

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