
Marjorie Taylor Greene grills Fauci at COVID hearing: ‘You belong in prison!’ – LifeSite

U.S. citizens: Demand Congress investigate soaring excess death rates

(LifeSiteNews) — Firebrand Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene grilled Dr. Anthony Fauci during a House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Monday. At one point, she said he deserves to be in jail for committing crimes against humanity.  

Fauci’s testimony was his first appearance on Capitol Hill since stepping down in disgrace as the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in 2022. While Democrats praised him for “saving lives,” Republican lawmakers criticized him for his social distancing ban and mask mandates for schoolchildren, among other COVID policies.  

Greene began her line of questioning by recalling that Fauci green lit an experiment on sedated dogs in Tunisia where their heads were placed in cages while flies ate them alive. 

“As a dog lover, I want to tell you this is disgusting and evil what you signed off on!” Greene exclaimed. “The type of ‘science’ that you are representing, Mr. Fauci, is abhorrent, and it needs to stop!” 

Greene then noted that Fauci told the Committee in January that there was no scientific data to back up his recommendations.  

“You confess that you made up the COVID rules, including six feet social distancing and making of children,” she stated. 

Fauci attempted to clarify his previous remark that the ban “sort of just appeared” by alleging that the Centers for Disease Control came up with it. 

“It had little to do with me since I didn’t make the recommendation and my saying ‘there was no science behind it’ meant there was no clinical trial behind that,” Fauci said. 

A visibly upset Greene then drew attention to a story from the New York Post published on Sunday alleging that scientists from the National Institutes of Health made over $700 million in royalties from Big Pharma.  

She also highlighted one of Fauci’s emails from 2020 that showed he didn’t believe masks were helpful in preventing the spread of COVID. 

“Healthy children forced to wear masks and muzzled in their schools. And then they were forced to learn from home because of your so-called science and your medical suggestions while you and all your cronies get paid from Big Pharma,” she stated.  

Throughout her line of questioning, Greene did not refer to Fauci as a doctor. Democrats on the committee called for a point of order demanding she do so. She refused and said his medical license should be revoked. 

“You’re not a doctor, you’re Mr. Fauci in my few minutes.” 

Greene concluded her remarks by stating that Fauci should be in prison. 

“You know what this committee should be doing? We should be recommending you to be prosecuted. We should be writing a criminal referral because you should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity.” 

Following the hearing, Fauci appeared on CNN complaining about alleged death threats that came about as a result of Greene’s “vitriolic” comments. 

Greene replied in an X post that no one should be treated that way but that the reason the American people are “furious” with Fauci is because his “tyrannical policies DESTROYED people’s lives.” 

U.S. citizens: Demand Congress investigate soaring excess death rates

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