
Conservatives must change their failed approach to addressing ‘Pride Month’ – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — On this week’s solo episode of The Van Maren Show, Jonathon discusses the Conservative Party of Canada’s inadequate response to “Pride Month” and what they should do differently.

Jonathon begins the episode noting the ubiquity of the “pride” flag, which can be seen even on the spires of churches cooperating with the LGBT movement. He also recalls that last year the American flag flew next to the “pride” flag at the White House. All the while, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Jonathon maintains, is unrivaled in his support for Pride Month, with the concept being expanded in Canada to an entire season that encompasses the months from June to September.

One of the reasons why some are passionate about Pride Month is because it gives them an opportunity to demonize the majority of Canadians, who are not interested in “pride” celebrations. Examining, for instance, why Trudeau attends “pride” parades, Jonathon says that it is not only because he supports the issue, but it’s also an attempt to force the Conservative Party to do things that most of its base doesn’t want it to do.

Meanwhile, the Canadian press is in support of Pride Month, even though one will find an occasional column claiming that “pride” celebrations have gone “too far.” Jonathon notes that the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) has already begun covering Pride Month, with coverage normally increasing in June and July, and that LGBT courses are the mainstay in Canadian schools, including Catholic ones.

Looking to a 2016 CBC article arguing that children being exposed to naked adults will serve as a means to begin a “discussion,” Jonathon says, “Just to be clear here, that’s a government-funded media outlet promoting children seeing adult male genitalia as ‘a great opportunity for interesting discussion.’”

READ: Jordan Peterson calls out ‘Pride’ month as a ‘celebration of casual hedonistic self-centered sex’

Considering how Canada came to such a state, Jonathon notes that as elites have “imposed” a view of progressivism and toleration on Canada, and most people do not dare say much, including Conservative politicians. In fact, some of the more prominent ones, such as Pierre Poilievre and Doug Ford, celebrate “pride” themselves. The subject of “pride” itself, Jonathon maintains, will be increasingly difficult to ignore, as it will not ignore those seeking to ignore it.

Considering this reality, Jonathon opines that it is often a missed opportunity for those who disagree with Pride Month and its practice to “stake out common ground” with average Canadians to push back against the “extremism” pushed by progressives.

“The only reason that the issue of LGBT ideology and Pride Month celebrations is so effective as a wedge issue for the Liberals and the [New Democratic Party (NDP)] is because Conservatives refuse to actually stake out a common sense position on this issue that allows them to go on the offensive,” he asserts. Even though one of Poilievre’s closest allies in Parliament, Melissa Lantsman, recently attended a “pride” flag raising ceremony on Parliament Hill, Jonathon says that will not be enough for the LGBT movement.

Canadian conservative parties, Jonathon contends, are caught between kneeling to LGBT ideology and avoiding angering their base, which is “uncomfortable with many aspects of LGBT ideology.” This, he continues, will not serve as a good “political calculus,” since the LGBT movement will ask them to be completely favor of their ideology. Considering an example of this, Jonathon notes that “pride” organizations in Alberta banned politicians of the provincial Conservative Party from attending any of their events after Premier Danielle Smith banned puberty blockers for children and other aspects of gender ideology.

Jonathon calls “ridiculous” the strategy whereby several Conservatives would attend “pride” events or voice support for “pride” while the party itself attempts to court immigrants that oppose it and try to keep post-Christian white Canadians happy. He notes that Poilievre will eventually have to decide whether he will march in a “pride” parade or not. He says Poilievre should refuse and then explain that he is not interested in attending events where children are exposed to naked or barely covered adults. While Poilievre should do this, what he does instead is attempt to hide, and the Liberals attack him for it, in direct contradiction to what the Liberal Party used to espouse.

Considering the point, Jonathon looks to Justin Trudeau’s father, Pierre, who as prime minister legalized abortion and homosexuality in a single omnibus bill. While the elder Trudeau defended his decision to legalize homosexuality by claiming that the state has no business in the bedroom, which Jonathon thinks most Conservatives today would espouse, the younger Trudeau is never told that he is asking people not only to enter bedrooms but observe what takes place there.

“I do not understand for the life of me why Conservative politicians can’t come out and state what is a common sense position held by most Canadians, even those who don’t object to the redefinition of marriage, and even those who don’t object to a lot of aspects of LGBT ideology,” Jonathon says, noting that polls show that most white Canadians are libertarian on LGBT issues and most immigrants oppose them.

Jonathon also wants Conservatives to focus on the sexualization of children. Looking to the recent withdrawal of British Columbian Conservative Damon Scrase after he was subjected to a smear campaign by a former Liberal Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) on X, Scrase apologizing for his old socially conservative tweets. Jonathon notes that when Scrase did so, he affirmed that his detractor’s views were normal in Canada, even though they’re not.

“I wish to point out at the beginning of June, which is not Pride Month but has been colonized as Pride Month, that it is not the normative Canadian position to support this garbage,” he asserts.

“It is not, and the only reason it is currently considered to be the normative political position … is because Conservative politicians fail to point out the obvious, which is that nobody’s wearing any clothes. It’s not just the emperor anymore. It’s that out on the street little kids seeing this kind of thing is wrong, and that people who refuse to say that children being exposed to adult nudity and when the state broadcaster calls it an ‘opportunity’… This is garbage that should be completely repudiated.”

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