
Prayer for a Godly President – Intercessors for America

Reading Time: 3 minutes

As the 2024 presidential election draws near, Americans are aware that we are at an historic point in our nation. Wouldn’t it be great to have a godly president who will govern for righteousness and justice?

Have you taken your place on the wall?

If you’re concerned about our nation, will you join me in praying the following prayer for a godly president?

Let’s pray together:

“Dear Heavenly Father, we come to You in Jesus’ name. Thank You for being the God who raises up kings and brings them down (Psalm 75). Thank You that Your mercies are new every day, and that great is Your faithfulness to us. We praise You, for we are fearfully and wonderfully made by Your own hand, and You are perfecting all things that concern us right now.

Lord God, one of the biggest things that concerns us and our nation right now is the issue of our presidential election.

We need a godly president, Father. We need someone who will govern our nation with righteousness and justice; someone who will heed Your precepts.

Abba Father, You can use anybody. You are the One who turns the hearts of the kings like water. In the Bible, You even used totally pagan kings to do Your will. Kings and princes all must bow before You; You have commanded them all to ‘Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, and [they] perish on the way.’ So we know that Your will for this land is not dependent on a righteous president being in office.

However, Father, we also know that it is Your will for all people in all nations to be righteous.

It is not Your will that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. And Jesus told us to go and make disciples of all nations, for You want every nation to be saved, sanctified, and filled with Your Holy Spirit in all spheres and arenas of life, culture, and government.

Therefore, Abba Father, in order that Your Kingdom may come and Your will be done in America …

… and so that Your will may be done here on earth in America as it is in Heaven …

… we ask boldly in Jesus’ name:

  • Give us a righteous president in this election, we pray.
  • Let the people of God get out and vote for the candidate YOU have chosen.
  • Let even the wicked vote according to Your will, also for the candidate You have chosen.
  • Let nothing hinder the person You have chosen from taking office.
  • Go before us in the power of Your Spirit to annihilate, wreck, and destroy any interference from the enemy that would hinder the integrity of the election; that would hinder Your righteous candidate, whomever that may be, from taking office; and that would hinder righteous election results and ballot counting.

Father, we ask that righteousness and justice would roll over our nation like a giant steamroller.

We ask that the righteous person You put in the presidency would stay true to You their entire time in office, and that they would be able to fulfill the number of their days. And we ask that You would supernaturally empower them to implement all the changes You desire for our nation, and to govern in the power and wisdom of Your Spirit.

Thank You, Father. We realize that this will be a miracle of giant proportions, but greater are You who is in us than he who is in the world. It is not by our might, nor by our power (which are nonexistent anyway in our own natural flesh), but by Your Spirit that we believe You to move. And we thank You in advance for doing so, for we know that Your Word is good, and that whatever we ask in Jesus’ name, we will receive.

Thank You, Holy Father. It is in Jesus’ mighty and precious name we pray, amen.”

God can establish a righteous president. Keep on believing!

Our God is strong enough to put that righteous person in office and keep them there for their full term. Let God arise, and His enemies be scattered! Continue to believe and pray, for the Lord WILL answer the cry of the righteous who believe on His name for deliverance!

What prayer points are you praying consistently for a righteous president? Leave a comment below!

Jamie Rohrbaugh is the founder and CEO of From His Presence. She is the author of over 40 books, including her two latest collections of prayer tools, Wind of Heaven and New Season. She seeks to equip you to carry God’s manifest glory everywhere you go. Her resources have been published by YouVersion Bible Plans, The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and various other ministry outlets. Download her free prayer tool, Praying the Names of God: 555 Biblical Names of God and How to Use Them in Prayer and WorshipherePhoto credit: TriggerPhoto/Getty Images Signature via Canva Pro.

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