
Legal Matter Settled Between Calvin University and Former President

Calvin University’s Board of Trustees and its former president Wiebe Boer and his wife, Joanna Boer, issued a very brief joint statement June 13 announcing they have settled the legal matter between them. According to the joint statement, “The parties are grateful for God’s grace and wish each other well.”

In February, Boer resigned from his position amid allegations of “concerning and inappropriate” conduct. In April, he and Joanna Boer filed a lawsuit against Calvin University alleging breach of contract and defamation.

“Out of a shared desire for the future wellbeing of Calvin University and all related individuals, the Board and the Boers have resolved the matter, and the Boers have dropped their legal actions,” the June 13 statement read.

Calvin University was founded by the Christian Reformed Church in North America in 1876. Its board, which has full discretion to govern the school according to its bylaws, is appointed by the CRCNA synod, the broadest assembly and governing body of the church.

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