Honoring Israel in NYC – Intercessors for America

Reading Time: 2 minutes At least three events in NYC have recently focused on celebrating Israel, and two of them …

One New Man in Place of Two

Written by Kevin D. Gardner | Tuesday, June 4, 2024 The Jews had typically thought of themselves as strangers and …

To Say “Biological Men” is Caving to the Culture

Written by Forrest L. Marion | Tuesday, June 4, 2024 It’s been said many times, he who controls the language …

The Presbyterian Church Calendar

We do not celebrate church “seasons” is they often ask us to think of the Christian life as something we …

The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy: Article I

While Article I of the Chicago Statement rejects that the church, tradition, or otherwise holds equal or greater authority than …

Pastors Can Lead Well by Preaching Well

Pastoral leadership from the pulpit is critical. Most often, we find books on leadership and books on preaching, but rarely …

Taking His Name in Vain

To flippantly defile the holy name as a vulgar utterance manifests a wicked, hardened heart, with complete irreverence for the …

The Canons of Dort

Today many of us know the work of the Synod as the Canons of Dort under the acrostic “TULIP.” Total …

Theology of Immigration

Hospitality must be carefully measured out, lest the family or nation dissolve under the burden of too many guests, and …